ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2017年23卷  第5期


Influence of ceramic abrasive on grinding performance of slag and cement clinker


摘要:为了研究金属研磨体与陶瓷研磨体的粉磨效果, 分别对矿渣和水泥熟料进行粉磨, 对比相同粉磨时间下产品的细度、比表面积及各龄期强度。结果表明, 粉磨效果相同时, 陶瓷研磨体可降低电耗和研磨体磨损等生产成本, 认为陶瓷研磨体可以作为金属研磨体的代替品, 并能保证粉磨效果。


Abstract:In order to study the grinding effects of metal abrasive and ceramic abrasive, the slag and cement clinker were ground respectively, and the fineness, specific surface area and strength of the products at different ages were compared under the same grinding time. The results show that ceramic grinding can reduce power consumption, abrasive wear and other production costs when the grinding effect is the same. The ceramic grinding body can be used as a substitute for metal grinding body, and can guarantee the grinding effect.

Keywords: ceramic abrasive;energy consumption;fineness;specific surface area