ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2017年23卷  第5期


Models for estimating agglomerate size of ultrafine particles in fluidized beds


摘要:根据聚团形成机理和分析方法的不同对超细颗粒流化聚团尺寸预测模型进行分类和评述, 将模型值与实验结果进行比较。结果表明, 不同模型仅能预测相应实验条件下的聚团尺寸, 适用性较差。指出为获得适用范围广泛的聚团尺寸预测模型, 应深入研究聚团形成机理以及各种作用力的计算和参数选取, 建立更符合实际情况的机理模型。


Abstract:Various models of predicting agglomerate size of ultrafine particles in fluidized beds were classified and reviewed in accordance with the formation mechanism of agglomerate and different analytical methods. The agglomerate size calculated by these models were compared with the experimental results. The results show that each model only predicts the agglomerate size under their experimental conditions and its adaptability is poor. To achieve widely applicable agglomerate size prediction model, careful researches should be positioned to the formation mechanism of agglomeration, the calculation of various acting forces and the selection of parameters, which will yield more practical mechanism model.

Keywords: agglomerate size;prediction model;force balance modelling;energy balance modelling