ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2018年24卷  第4期

纳米 Al2O3 颗粒在电刷镀液中的状态及对共沉积的影响

Presence state of nano-Al2O3 in electro-brush plating solution and effect on co-deposition

作者:汪笑鹤,颜双九,胡振峰,吕镖,朱辉,张 琪

摘要:利用高能机械球磨法制备Ni-Co基纳米Al2O3复合电刷镀液, 分析纳米颗粒在镀液中的存在状态和对镀液电化学响应的影响;采用粒径分析仪和红外光谱仪测试镀液中纳米颗粒的粒径分布和吸附特性, 利用电化学工作站测试纳米复合镀液的阴极极化曲线和循环伏安响应。结果表明:镀液中纳米颗粒的粒径分布在100 nm左右, 纳米颗粒表面吸附多种带电离子和官能团, 表面电位为负, 使镀液的极化负移和响应电流降低, 纳米颗粒的以上特征有利于纳米颗粒和镍钴合金的共沉积。


Abstract:By using high energy mechanical ball milling, the nickel-cobalt based nano-Al2O3 composite electro-brush plating solution was prepared, then the distribution state of nanoparticles in plating solution was discussed and its effect on the electrochemical properties was also analyzed. The particle-size analyzer and infrared spectrometer were used to test the size of nanoparticles and its adsorption characteristics. The electrochemical workstation was used to test the cathodic polarization curve and cyclic voltammetry response of the nano-composite electro-brush plating solution. The results show that the size of nanoparticles in plating solution is about 100 nm, some kinds of charged ion and functional group are adsorbed on the surface of nanoparticles, and the surface potential is negative, so the polarization negative shift and the response current decreases. All of the above characteristics of nanoparticles are good for the co-deposition of nanoparticles and nickel-cobalt alloy.

Keywords:nanoparticle;electro-brush plating;composite plating solution;co-deposition