摘要:用模板法制备三维多孔纳米羟基磷灰石 (HAP) , 考察陈化温度、初始pH等因素对HAP形貌结构及成分的影响;用制备的HAP作为药物载体制备阿莫西林 (AM) -HAP, 考察磷酸盐缓冲溶液 (PBS) 的pH对AM-HAP缓释行为的影响。结果表明, 陈化温度低于284.16 K时, 生成杂质磷酸钙;陈化温度越高, HAP的粒径越小。pH小于10.2时, 有磷酸钙生成, HAP为片状, 粒径为334 nm;而pH为10.2时, 生成纯的HAP, HAP为棒状, 粒径为134 nm。AM-HAP具有很好的缓释性能以及选择性脱附性能, 在pH为5.7的PBS溶液中, 缓释前1.5 h的AM的脱附率达到48.3%, 总脱附率达92.8%。
Abstract:The three-dimensional porous nano-hydroxyapatite was prepared by template method. The effect of aging temperature and the initial pH on the morphology, structures and chemical composites of the hydroxyapatite was investigated. The amoxicillin-hydroxyapatite was prepared using the prepared hydroxyapatite as drug carrier. The effect of the pH of PBS liquid on the drug delivery of amoxicillin-hydroxyapatite was investigated. The result indicates that the calcium phosphate is generated when the aging temperature is lower than 284.16 K and the size of hydroxyapatite is decreased with the aging temperature.When the initial pH is lower than 10.2, calcium phosphate isgenerated, the hydroxyapatite is sheet and its size is 334 nm.When the initial pH is 10.2, it is the pure hydroxyapatite, the hydroxyapatite is rodlike and the size is 134 nm. The result also indicates that amoxicillin-hydroxyapatite has the good sustained-release performance and selective desorption performance, that the desorption efficiency of amoxicillin is48.3% in 1.5 h and the total desorption efficiency is 92.8% in pH 5.7 PBS liquid.
Keywords:three-dimensional porous nano-hydroxyapatite;drug carrier;drug delivery;aging temperature