ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2019年25卷  第5期


Application of regeneration process optimization technology in FCC unit


摘要:为了提高催化裂化再生器再生效率,减少助燃剂的用量,提出在催化裂化再生器内设置中国石油大学(北京)开发的Crosser格栅。Crosser格栅上有多个平行流道,每个流道设置一系列倾斜的导流叶片,相邻流道导流叶片的倾角相反。通过格栅对再生器内气泡的破碎,来减小气泡相和乳化相之间的传质阻力,同时抑制催化裂颗粒的轴向返混,进而提高再生器的再生效率。在一套年处理量为220万t的大型催化裂化再生器考察了Crosser格栅对其再生效果的影响。应用效果表明,在同等再生负荷下,格栅的使用强化了再生效果:催化剂的含碳量由0. 103%(质量分数)下降至0. 059%以下;稀密相温差由28. 6℃降低到17. 6℃;助燃剂用量减少了32. 9%;稀密相温度的径向方差减少约50%。


Abstract: In order to raise fluid catalytic cracking ( FCC) regeneration efficiency and reduce the usage of fire accelerator,the Crosser baffles developed by China University of Petroleum ( Beijing) is used. There are many parallel passageways on the Crosser baffles and each one has series of inclined guide vanes.The incline angles of these guide vanes are contrary in the adjacent passageways.By breaking the bubbles in the regenerator,the mass transfer between the bubbles and the catalysts is intensified.At the same time,the baffles suppressed the back mixing of the catalysts and optimized the catalysts residence time distribution,which raised the regeneration efficiency.The experiment was carried out in an commercial scale FCC regenerator with a capacity of 2,200,000 ton /year.The industrial data indicates that,by adopting the Crosser baffles,the regenerated catalysts carbon contention reduced from 0.103% to 0.059% ( by weight for catalysts carbon contention all through the paper) ; the temperature difference in the dilute phase reduced from 28.6 ℃ to 17.6 ℃; the usage of fire accelerator reduced by 32.9% and the radial temperature difference is reduced by 50% .

Keywords: fluid catalytic cracking; regeneration process optimization; baffles