(1. 青海大学 新能源光伏产业研究中心,青海 西宁 810016;2. 清华大学 材料科学与工程学院,北京 100084)
收稿日期: 2021-12-07, 修回日期:2022-03-11,在线出版时间:2022-04-27。
摘要:以Na2SO4·10H2O-Na2CO3·10H2O-NaCl三元相变体系为基液,采用两步法制备氧化石墨烯(GO)芒硝基相变纳米流体(GSPCNs)。结果表明:纳米GO在温度为35℃以上超声分散于芒硝基相变材料中具有较好的分散稳定性;在35~50℃的温度下,GO-GSPCNs的黏度随时间恒定,无触变性;在35℃下,剪切速率大于30 s-1时,GO-GSPCNs是牛顿型流体,剪切速率小于30 s-1时呈非牛顿剪切变稀行为,服从宾汉姆(Bingham)流体模型,一致性指数高于0.999。在剪切应力为100 Pa时,GO-GSPCNs黏度随着温度升高而降低。经1 200次固-液循环后,不同体积分数的GO-GSPCNs流变行为在低剪切速率时发生变化,循环后的流体黏度降低,流动阻力减小。
Abstract:On the basis of Na2SO4·10 H2O-Na2CO3·10 H2O-NaCl ternary phase change system, graphene oxide(GO)mirabilite phase change nanofluids(GSPCNs) was prepared by two-step method. The results show that nano graphene oxide has good dispersion stability when ultrasonically dispersed in the mirabilite phase change materials at the temperature above 35 ℃. At 35~50 ℃, the viscosity of GO-GSPCNs is constant over time and has no thixotropy. At 35 ℃, when the shear rate is more than 30 s-1, GO-GSPCNs is the Newtonian fluid, its shear rate is less than 30 s-1, showing non-Newtonian shear thinning behavior obeying the Bingham fluid model, and disposable index is higher than 0.999. When the shear stress is 100 Pa, the viscosity of GO-GSPCNs decreases with increasing of temperature. After 1 200 solid-liquid cycles of GO-GSPCNs with different volume fraction, the rheological behavior changes at low shear rate. The viscosity of GO-GSPCNs decrease after circulation and the flow resistance of GO-GSPCNs decreases.
Keywords:nano graphene oxide; mirabilite phase change nanofluid; rheological property; solid-liquid circulation
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