ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2022年28卷  第3期


Dynamic analysis of inner cone of vibration slow shear crusher

蔡改贫a,b,郝书灏a,黄金若a,胡 振a

(江西理工大学 a. 机电工程学院;b. 江西省矿冶机电工程技术研究中心,江西 赣州 341000)


收稿日期: 2021-11-10, 修回日期:2021-11-24,在线出版时间:2022-04-15。



摘要:为研究振动慢剪破碎机内锥运动轨迹,通过拉格朗日方程建立六自由度的内锥动力学模型,使用MATLAB软件进行内锥动力学响应的求解,利用ADAMS仿真软件进行空载下的内锥动力学响应仿真分析,进行EDEM与ADAMS耦合分析负载时的内锥动力学响应。结果表明:振动慢剪破碎机内锥的运动主要为水平面上的振动圆运动;空载情况下X、Y方向上的位移范围为-0.4~0.4 mm,整体振幅为0.8 mm;负载情况下X、Y方向上的位移范围为-0.3~0.3 mm,整体振幅为0.6 mm,负载时的振幅小于空载下的。


Abstract:In order to study the trajectory of the inner cone of the vibrating slow shear crusher, a six-degree-of-freedom inner cone dynamic model was established through Lagrangian equations and MATLAB was used to solve the inner cone dynamic response. The ADAMS simulation software was used to perform the inner cone under no-load cone dynamic response simulation analysis, coupling of EDEM and ADAMS was used to analyze the inner cone dynamic response under load. The results show that the movement of inner cone of the vibrating slow shear crusher is mainly the circular vibration on the horizontal plane. The displacement range in X and Y directions under no-load conditions is from-0.4 mm to 0.4 mm, and the overall amplitude is 0.8 mm. The displacement range in X and Y directions under load is from-0.3 mm to 0.3 mm, and the overall amplitude is 0.6 mm. The amplitude under load is smaller than that under no load.

Keywords:vibrating slow shear; crusher; multiple freedom degrees; vibrating circular motion; dynamic analysis


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