
Tsinghua Chinese Bridge Show

Time: Friday, December 6, 2019 18:30
Location: East Hall, School of Environment

This event was hosted by the wonderful Mikaela Yuchen Wang, a student majoring in International Relations at the School of Social Sciences. The “Tsinghua Chinese Bridge” is a language and culture talent show where all levels of learners join together to have fun and make new friends.

There were many games arranged for students to participate in, ranging from movie dubbing to Chinese word games to puzzles covering both the Chinese language and culture. There were performances for students to relish, including songs and stand-up comedies, costume shows and operas, and even a time for the audience to step up and showcase their unique talents to the crowd. There were free drinks and a wide array of cakes and fruits for everyone to enjoy with their new and old friends. Lastly, the hosts of the “Tsinghua Chinese Bridge” sponsored many amazing prizes and gives to the students, including coupons for pizza and bubble tea on campus, a discounted price for membership to BA Fitness Club, wireless chargers, Bluetooth, books worth up to ¥300, and even a kindle.

Most importantly, though, the “Tsinghua Chinese Bridge” is a night of fun, a platform for each and every student to reconnect with their old friends, and an opportunity for students develop new friendships that could last a lifetime. 

By Celina Jiang


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