课程信息主题:初等动力系统时间:周三下午14:05—15:40直播信息:THU 求真书院(b站)UID:24454369主讲人介绍沈维孝,中国科学院院士、复旦大学上海数学中心首席教授、副主任。11月10日,由著名数学家、清华大学讲席教授丘成桐先生倡导设计,清华大学求真书院主办的“杰出少年示范数学班”(以下简称示范班)在北京隆重举行开班仪式。示范班的推出旨在积极响应国家2035教育强国号召,提升中学阶段顶尖数学人才的培养质量,探...
摘 要:Geometric numerical integration of dynamical systems or structure-preserving method for ordinary differential equations has become a vital area of numerical analysis since 1980’s. The key idea is that one should discretize a continuous system of differential equations with some geometric structure or physical invariant by preserving the structure or invariant properly, as Kang Feng pro...