Record: No
Level: Graduate
Language: Chinese
Quantum Mechanics
This course will focus on the basic concepts and representative algorithms of tensor networks. For 1D tensor networks, we will introduce the Matrix Product State(MPS) and its Density Matrix Renormalization Group algorithm(DMRG), Time Evolution Block Decimation algorithm(TEBD), etc. For high-dimensional tensor networks, we will include the Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) and its various Tensor Renormalization Group algorithms, as well as the Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group algorithm, variational algorithms, etc. We will also involve some machine learning algorithms and quantum simulation algorithms based on tensor networks if time permits.
1. Orus, R. Annals of Physics 349, 117–158 (2014).
2. Orus, R. The European Physical Journal B 87, (2014).
3. Schollwoeck, U. Annals of Physics 326, 96–192 (2011).
4. Verstraete, F., Cirac, J. I. & Murg, V. Advances in Physics 57, 143–224 (2008).
Lecturer Intro
Lecturer Email:
TA: Dr. Juntao Wang,