Lecturer: Qingfu Liu (刘庆富, Professor)Time: Fri 09:50-12:15Venue: A3-4-301Zoom: 518 868 7656Password: BIMSAWebsite: https://bimsa.net/activity/SmaRisManinPra/IntroductionThis course aims to develop students' professional skills and innovation ability in the field of quantitative risk management, in order to cope with the impact of cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies on financial...
Registration link:https://www.wjx.top/vm/OWTqAdc.aspx# SpeakerFabrizio Ruggeri (B.Sc. Mathematics Milano, M.Sc. Statistics Carnegie Mellon, Ph.D. Statistics Duke) is Senior Fellow at the Istituto di Matematica Applicatae Tecnologie Informatiche (IMATI) in Milano of CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) where he had been a researcher from 1988 to May 2023 (as Research Director since 2001). He...