清华主页 EN

Theoretical Foundations of Neuroaesthetics Applied to Scientific Representations via Generative AI Models and XR technologies

来源: 10-11

时间:2023-10-11 ~ 2024-01-05 Wed,Fri 09:50-11:25

地点:Venue: A3-2a-201 Zoom: 537 192 5549 (PW: BIMSA)

主讲人:Ainel Lerner (Assistant Professor)


This two-semester course is structured with the initial semester dedicated to theoretical foundations, followed by the second semester emphasizing practical applications. In the first semester, the focus lies in the exploration of the emerging field of neuroaesthetics and its pertinence to enhancing scientific presentations. Participants will develop competencies in optimizing presentation materials, delivery techniques, and overall design, incorporating innovative technologies such as AI generative models and virtual reality (VR). This interdisciplinary curriculum amalgamates insights derived from neuroscience research, principles of aesthetics, and pragmatic presentation strategies, facilitating participants to proficiently deliver compelling scientific presentations. The second semester features hands-on workshops that revolve around the exploration of the NEOS Metaverse Engine and LogiX for Mathematics and Geometric Visualization.

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