清华主页 EN

Motivic Cohomology

来源: 03-16

时间:08:50 - 10:35, every Wednesday,Friday, 3/16/2022 - 6/8/2022

地点:1110&Zoom ID:638 227 8222,密码:BIMSA




Motivic cohomology, originated from Deligne, Beilinson and Lichtenbaum and developed by Voevodsky, is a kind of cohomology theory on schemes. It admits comparison with étale cohomology of powers of roots of unity (Beilinson-Lichtenbaum), together with higher Chow groups, and relates to K-theory by Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence. In this lecture, we establish the category of motives in which the motivic cohomologies are realized. We explain its relationship with Milnor K-theory and Chow group. Furthermore, we introduce devices like MV-sequence, Gysin triangle, projective bundle formula and duality.


Basic algebraic geometry (GTM 52, Chapter 1-3)


C. Mazza, V. Voevodsky, C. Weibel, Lecture Notes on Motivic Cohomology, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, for the Clay Mathematics Institute, Cambridge, MA (2006).


本人本科毕业于北京航空航天大学,硕士博士毕业于格勒诺布尔-阿尔卑斯大学,博士导师Jean Fasel。之后在丘成桐数学科学中心做博后,现在是BIMSA的助理研究员。本人研究方向为原相(motivic)上同调和周-威特(Chow-Witt)环。本人提出了分裂型米尔诺-威特原相理论并且应用在纤维丛的周-威特环的计算中。相关成果已经独立发表在Manus. Math.Doc. Math.等期刊上。

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