清华主页 EN

Introduction to Supergravity

来源: 03-14


地点:近春西楼第三会议室 Conference Room 3 & Zoom Meeting ID: 388 528 9728 PW: BIMSA

组织者:I. Papadimitriou(BIMSA)

主讲人:I. Papadimitriou(BIMSA)

Note:Due to the COVID-19,the course will be delivered via zoom from May 6.

课程描述 Description

After a brief introduction to differential geometry and global supersymmetry, we will study minimal and extended supergravities in diverse dimensions. The course will be oriented towards applications of supergravities as backgrounds for supersymmetric quantum field theories, as well as in the AdS/CFT correspondence.

预备知识 Prerequisites

参考资料 References
