清华主页 EN

Introduction to Artin groups and K(pi,1)-conjecture

来源: 06-17

时间:Tuesday, 10:00-11:00 am June 18, 2024

地点:C548, Shuangqing Complex Building A


主讲人:黄靖尹(Jingyin Huang), Associate Professor The Ohio State University


A hyperplane arrangement in C^n is the manifold obtained by removing a collection of affine complex dimension one hyperplanes from C^n. Despite the simplicity of the definition and the long history of studying them, even basic questions on their fundamental groups still remain open. One important scenario of studying, is that the collection of hyperplanes has extra symmetry - namely there is a group acting on C^n permuting the hyperplanes. We will explain how this is related to the study of reflection groups, and braided versions of reflection groups - Artin groups. We will also discuss some background on one central conjecture in this direction, namely the K(pi,1)-conjecture for reflection arrangement complements.
