清华主页 EN

Differential Geometry Seminar | Quantization of the Kähler-Ricci flow, the entropy, and the optimal degeneration for a Fano manifold

来源: 04-01

时间:Tues., 21:00-22:00, Apr. 2, 2024

地点:Zoom Meeting ID: 271 534 5558 Passcode: YMSC

组织者:Jialong Deng, Akito Futaki

主讲人:Tomoyuki Hisamoto (Tokyo Metropolitan University)


In recent years the study of K-unstable Fano manifolds atracts people's attention. In this talk I will introduce the geometric quantization of the Kähler-Ricci flow and the associated entropy functional introduced by Weiyong He. The "quantized entropy" coincides with the terminology in the quantum information theory. We also show some convergence results and discuss about the finite-dimensional analogue of the optimal degeneration.
