清华主页 EN

Universal meromorphic functions with slow growth

来源: 05-24

时间:Wednesday at 15:30 May 24, 2023

地点:Conference Room 3 Jinchunyuan West Building

组织者:Xiang He, Chenglong Yu, Dingxin Zhang, Jie Zhou

主讲人:Songyan Xie 谢松晏 Chinese Academy of Sciences


I will show a solution to a problem asked by Dinh and Sibony in their open problem list, about minimal growth of universal meromorphic functions. This is joint work with Dinh Tuan Huynh and Zhangchi Chen. If time permits, I will also discuss my recent joint work with my Ph.D. student Bin Guo, about the existence of universal holomorphic functions in several variables with slow growth.


谢松晏,中科院数学所副研究员。本科毕业于清华大学,博士毕业于巴黎十一大。研究方向为小林双曲,值分布理论,以及代数几何中的正性。彻底解决了Debarre丰沛性猜测,即一大类完全相交的代数簇具有丰沛的余切丛,相关论文发表于Invent. Math.。
