BIMSA-YMSC Tsinghua Number Theory SeminarOrganizers:Hansheng Diao, Heng Du, Yueke Hu, Bin Xu, Yihang ZhuSpeaker:Mingjia Zhang (IAS)Time:Mon., 9:00-10:00 am, Oct. 14, 2024Online:Zoom Meeting ID: 4552601552Passcode: YMSCTitle:Simpson gerbe and p-adic nonabelian Hodge theoryAbstract: For a smooth proper rigid space X over a complete algebraic closure C of Q_p, Faltings observed that there is ...
Description:The first half of this course gives a general introduction to p-adic Hodge theory. The second part discusses recent topics, including the Fargues-Fontaine curve and p-adic period domains.Prerequisite:Algebraic number theory and algebraic geometryReference:Laurent Fargues and Jean-Marc Fontaine. Courbes et fibrés vectoriels en théorie de Hodge p-adique. Astérisque (406).Jean-Franç...