清华主页 EN

From exceptional sets to non-free sections

来源: 02-23

时间:Thur.,15:30-16:30pm, 23 Feb, 2023

地点: Venue / 地点 Zoom Meeting ID: 455 260 1552 Passcode: YMSC

组织者:Caucher Birkar,曲三太, 陈炳仪

主讲人:Sho Tanimoto (Nagoya University)


Manin’s conjecture is a conjectural asymptotic formula for the counting function of rational points on Fano varieties over global fields. With Brian Lehmann, I have been studying exceptional sets arising in this conjecture. In this talk I would like to discuss my joint work with Brian Lehmann and Akash Sengupta on birational geometry of exceptional sets, then I will discuss applications of this study to understand the geometry of moduli spaces of sections on Fano fibrations over a curve which is joint work with Brian Lehmann and Eric Riedl. You will see that Birkar’s results on the boundedness of singular Fano varieties play a crucial role in our study.


I am an associate professor at Nagoya University in Japan.

I received my Ph.D. from Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University in 2012.


