Guidance by Planning, Grounded in Reality, Promoting Urban Rail Transit High-quality Development
Affiliation:General Manager of Telecom & Signal Branch of Shanghai Metro Maintenance and Support Co., Ltd., Senior Engineer
针对上述实践过程中遇到的问题,通号分公司逐项梳理,并联合设计院、系统集成商、施工单位进行深入分析和重点研究,形成了一系列可实施的方案。在此以论文集的形式汇总研究的成果,希望能够藉此为大修更新改造团队提供有针对性的解决方案, 对进行日常维护的一线员工赋能,打通规划落地的“最后一公里”,从而推动生产服务全面提质增效,助力上海轨道交通高质量发展,为行业繁荣添砖加瓦。
Rail transit isthe lifeblood of modern cities. For Shanghai residents, the most directexperience of the city′s management service quality such as coziness andfineness comes from their metro travel. Now, as Shanghai Metro enters itsfourth decade, centered on the key word of ′high-quality′, the Telecom &Signal Branch, the only company in the industry that integrates constructionand maintenance of signaling operations, has defined its path and goals forhigh-quality development through closely combining business practicalrequirements. This is reflected as, guidance by high-quality planning,implementation of high-quality construction as well as maintenance, strivingfor the goal of ′seamless operation′.
Based onresearch and consideration of new technologies and demands, the Telecom &Signal Branch formulated a professional evolution plan at the beginning of the14th Five-Year Plan that complies with the requirements of a large-scalenetwork, including high-performance, high-reliability, standardized enhancedsignaling systems, as well as high-performance, networked, and streamlinedcommunication systems. A professional development white paper was formulated toguide subsequent major overhauls, updates, and maintenance work, therebycomprehensively enhancing the construction and maintenance capabilities of thetelecom & signal sector. As the 14th Five-Year Plan progresses, thefollowing challenges are encountered in major overhauls, updates, and dailymaintenance.
Firstly, thepromotion and application of new technologies, such as TACS (train autonomouscontrol system based on vehicle-to-vehicle communication) and BLS (beacon-basedsecondary localization system), will impact system architecture, operationalscenarios, external interfaces, and functional requirements to varying degrees.Therefore, detailed research on design and implementation plans is necessary.
Secondly, newoperational demands are constantly emerging. For example, overnight storage oftrains on main lines, reducing the operational impact of train slippage, andenergy conservation and emission reduction. These new demands require designplans to consider both the responsiveness to these needs and consistency withoverall planning.
Thirdly, how toutilize data to enhance maintenance capabilities. Digital transformation is infull swing, and comprehensive monitoring of the status of basic equipment isimplemented in major overhauls and updates. However, there are still many issuesto explore regarding how to use the collected data to improve maintenancecapabilities, especially in key and challenging areas such as switch machinemaintenance, power maintenance, and wireless environment monitoring.
To address theissues encountered during the aforementioned practices, the Signal Branch hassystematically reviewed each problem and collaborated with design institutes,system integrators, and construction units for in-depth analysis and focusedresearch, formulating a series of implementable solutions. The researchfindings have been compiled into a collection of papers, aiming to providetargeted solutions for the overhaul and renovation teams, empower frontlineemployees involved in daily maintenance, and bridge the ′last mile′ of planningimplementation. This approach is intended to comprehensively improve thequality and efficiency of production services, support the high-qualitydevelopment of Shanghai rail transit, and contribute to the prosperity of theindustry.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
- 下一篇: 从柏林展会看中国轨道交通的转型