Home > Lectures & Seminars > Consumer Music Popularity Prediction with AI Methods

Consumer Music Popularity Prediction with AI Methods

Thu, Jun 27, 2024

SPEAKER: Raymond Liu,美国麻省大学管理和市场营销系教授




In recent years, the music industry has seen a significant shift towards digital platforms, leading to an explosion of data on consumer music preferences. This has created an opportunity for researchers to use AI methods to predict consumer music popularity. AI algorithms can provide valuable insights for music producers and marketers to better understand and cater to consumer tastes. The potential impact of AI in shaping the future of music consumption and production is immense, and further research in this area can lead to innovative strategies for enhancing music recommendation systems and boosting artist success in an increasingly competitive market.


Raymond Liu,美国麻省大学管理和市场营销系教授,系主任,主要研究线上消费者行为、技术对态度和行为的影响等。


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