天津大学地科院界面过程与土壤圈演化研究中心余光辉教授、孙富生博士等与德国哥廷根大学Yakov Kuzyakov教授、图宾根大学Andreas Kappler教授、浙江大学罗煜副教授、广西大学Bernard A. Goodman教授和南京农业大学硕士生刘飞飞等合作,利用湖南祁阳长期(26年)定位试验站和同位素示踪试验,结合纳米离子探针(NanoSIMS)、同步辐射谱学显微成像和高通量定量PCR等现代分析手段,发现长期施用有机肥(猪粪)显著增加了土壤中生物多样性和短程有序(SRO)矿物含量,进而提升了土壤中总钼(~30%)、有效态钼(~2.8倍)、固氮基因nifH丰度和固氮酶活性。铁矿物纳米颗粒在土壤钼循环过程中起到双重作用:1)协同土壤微生物群落,驱动了土壤中原位芬顿或类芬顿反应以及高活性羟基自由基(HO•)的产生,导致土壤中有效态钼提升;2)促进了土壤中铁矿物纳米颗粒的形成,进而增加了土壤钼的截留。结合同位素示踪和高通量定量PCR技术,识别了驱动铁矿物产生高活性羟基自由基的功能微生物群落。其中,共生短杆菌属(Symbiobacterium)、地杆菌属(Geobacter)、红环菌属(Rhodocyclaceae)、固氮螺菌属(Azospirillum)在驱动二价铁和高活性羟基自由基形成方面起到关键作用。
全球土壤中有12Gt (1Gt=109t)真菌和7Gt 细菌 (以碳计)。鉴于微生物-矿物相互作用在地球演化、元素生物地球化学循环和土壤形成过程中的关键作用,该研究结果对深入理解陆地生态系统非共生生物固氮、微生物-矿物协同演化和养分循环均有重要的科学意义和参考价值。
近日,该研究成果以“Molybdenum Bioavailability and Asymbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Soils are Raised by Iron (Oxyhydr)oxide-Mediated Free Radical Production”为题,发表在环境领域权威期刊《Environmental Science & Technology》。地科院余光辉教授为第一兼通讯作者,孙富生博士为共同通讯作者。研究成果得到了国家自然科学基金面上项目(41977271)、国家重点研发计划(2020YFC1806803)、上海光源BL15U和BL01B线站的支持。
Yu, Guang-Hui*; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Luo, Yu; Goodman, Bernard; Kappler, Andreas; Liu, Fei-Fei; Sun, Fu-Sheng*. Molybdenum bioavailability and asymbiotic nitrogen fixation in soil are raised by iron (oxyhydr)oxide mediated free radical production. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(21): 14979–14989.
全文链接: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c04240
Nitrogen (N) fixation in soils is closely linked to microbially mediated molybdenum (Mo) cycling. Therefore, elucidating the mechanisms and factors that affect Mo bioavailability is crucial for understanding N fixation. Here, we demonstrate that long-term (26 years) manure fertilization increased microbial diversity and content of short-range ordered iron (oxyhydr)oxides that raised Mo bioavailability (by 2.8 times) and storage (by ∼30%) and increased the abundance of nifH genes (by ∼14%) and nitrogenase activity (by ∼60%). Nanosized iron (oxyhydr)oxides (ferrihydrite, goethite, and hematite nanoparticles) play a dual role in soil Mo cycling: (i) in concert with microorganisms, they raise Mo bioavailability by catalyzing hydroxyl radical (HO•) production via the Fenton reactions and (ii) they increase Mo retention by association with the nanosized iron (oxyhydr)oxides. In summary, long-term manure fertilization raised the stock and bioavailability of Mo (and probably also of other micronutrients) by increasing iron (oxyhydr)oxide reactivity and intensified asymbiotic N fixation through an increased abundance of nifH genes and nitrogenase activity. This work provides a strategy for increasing biological N fixation in agricultural ecosystems.

图1. 同位素示踪识别了驱动羟基自由基产生的功能微生物群落

图2. 土壤铁矿物截留钼的微区X射线荧光成像图

图3. 有机肥提升土壤有效态钼和非共生生物固氮的机制