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王峤,天津大学建筑学院讲师,硕士生导师,国家注册城市规划师。2002年进入天津大学建筑学院学习,先后获得学士、硕士、博士学位,师从曾坚教授。现任天津市城市规划学会学术工作委员会委员、城市安全与防灾委员会委员、小城镇规划专业委员会委员、青年工作委员会委员,《南方建筑》、《风景园林》审稿专家。主要研究领域为城市韧性、城市综合防灾减灾、生态城市设计。主持国家及省部级基金5项、天津大学自主创新项目3项,研究生教改项目1项;参与国家级及省部级基金项目10 项。在国内外重要学术期刊和国际学术会议上发表论文近40篇;已出版著作2部,待出版2部,参编著作9部。获天津大学沈志康奖教金、天津大学第二十三届“十佳杰出青年(教工)”优秀教书育人奖等个人奖励;天津大学教学成果奖校级二等奖;设计项目获中国土木工程詹天佑奖1项、天津市优秀规划设计奖5项;指导学生设计国际及国内竞赛获奖15项。


城市韧性理念以城市本体为研究对象,以增强城市在承受扰动时保持自身功能不被破坏的能力为主要目标,成为保证城市健康、可持续发展的有效途径。本报告对城市韧性概念和属性进行梳理与辨析,通过文献综述得出,学界对城市韧性的概念定义、属性特征等基本问题逐渐达成共识,研究重点已由基本问题转入韧性框架、评价体系、提升策略等内容;结合中国城市的现实情况,提出城市韧性的研究应从理论、方法和实践层面进一步拓展其广度和深度, 并从系统性、实效性、制度性3个层面提出我国城市韧性研究的特征和未来的发展趋势。



Lecture: Concept Evolution, Research Contents and Development Trend of Urban Resilience

When: 12:30 p.m., Friday, October, 11th, 2019

Where: Multifunctional Hall, Cultural Activity Center for Faculty and Staff, Weijin Road Campus


Wang Qiao is a lecturer and Master’s supervisor of Urban Planning Department at the School of Architecture, Tianjin University. She is a national registered urban planner. She entered Tianjin University in 2002 and obtained bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees successively, under the guidance of professoer ZengJian. She is the member of the Academic Work Committee, Urban Security and Disaster Prevention Committee, Small-Town Planning Committee, Youth Working Committee of Tianjin Urban Planning Association, and the reviewer of two journals. Her main research fields include Urban Resilience, Comperhensive Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in cities, Urban Planning and Design. She has hosted 5 national and provincial scientific research projects, 3 independent innovation projects of Tianjin University, 1 graduate education reform program and has participated in 10 national and provincial scientific research projects. For now, she has finished 11 books (2 as the main author, 9 participate editing, and 2 books are planned to publish soon) and nearly 40 academic papers. She has won awards like the Shen Zhikang-Teacher-Award, the Excellent Teaching Award of Outstanding-Young-Teacher of Tianjin University, and the Second prize of teaching achievement award of Tianjin University. Besides, her design projects have won 1 China Civil Engineering Zhan Tianyou Award and 5 Tianjin excellent planning and design awards; as guiding teacher, 15 student’s planning design projects have won international and domestic competitions.

About the Lecture:

The concept of urban resilience takes whole urban as the research object and also takes enhancing the ability of function-maintaining without being destroyed by disturbance as its main target. Constructing a resilient city is an effective way to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of urban. The lecture reviews relevant literatures of urban resilience as well as analyses the concepts and properties of resilience; The basic issues of resilience (concepts, definitions, features) have reached consensuses gradually and the research emphasis has turned to three aspects of theme, which including theoretical framework, evaluation index and promotion strategy. Considering the practical situation of Chinese city, this report suggests that studies on resilience should extend its breadth and depth and also puts forward the feature and tendency of resilience research in China from three levels (systematism, effectiveness and institutional).

Relevant Discipline: Urban Planning, Ecology, Architecture, Management, Sociology

Organizers: Trade Unions, Library, Office of Science and Technology, Young Teachers Association

All students and staff of Tianjin University are welcome.
