Shao Yanxiu
School of Earth System Science
Professional Title
Associate professor
Contact Information
Rm 326, Building No.16
Education Background
- Doctoral degree| Institute of Geology, CEA| 2018
- Master’s Degree| Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, CEA| 2010
- Bachelor’s Degree| Lanzhou University| 2007
Research Interests
- Tectonic Geomorphology
- Active Tectonics
Professional Membership
- 《地球科学》青年编委
- 《Earthquake Research Advances》青年编委
- 中国地震学会构造地貌专业委员会秘书
- 天津市安全科学技术学会理事
Positions & Employments
Tianjin University -
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris,France -
University of California at Davis, US -
Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, CEA
Academic Achievements
- Papers
- [1] Hu G*, Liu-Zeng J, Shao Y*, et al. 2024. The applications of optically stimulated luminescence dating in active fault and paleo-earthquake studies: A review[J]. Quaternary International,
- [2] 姚赟胜,邵延秀,邹小波等.2023. 阳关断裂带变形样式及其对阿尔金断裂扩展的指示意义[J].地震工程学报, (06):1467-1477.DOI:10.20000/j.1000-0844.20220105003.
- [3] Wang, W., Shao, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, W., & Lu, R. (2023). Channel Profiles Reveal Fault Activity along the Longmen Shan, Eastern Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 15(19), 4721
- [4] Wang, Wenxin, Jing Liu-Zeng, Yanxiu Shao, et al. 2023. "Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo (Madoi) Earthquake Based on the UAV Photogrammetry Technology" Remote Sensing 15, no. 4: 1032.
- [5] Guiming Hu, Yanxiu Shao*, Xingwang Liu, Wenjun Zheng & Yunsheng Yao (2023): Paleoseismic evolution of the central section of the Serteng Shan fault at the northern Ordos Block (North China) since the Late Pleistocene, International Geology Review, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2023.2180778
- [6] Shao, Y., van der Woerd, J., Liu-Zeng, J., Yuan, D., Yao, Y., Zou, X., & Wang, P. (2023). Shortening Rates and Recurrence of Large Earthquakes From Folded and Uplifted Terraces in the Western Danghe Nan Shan Foreland, North Tibet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(1), e2021JB023736.
- [7] Shao Yanxiu, Jing Liu-Zeng, Jerome van der Woerd et al., 2020, Late Pleistocene slip rate of the central Haiyuan fault constrained from OSL, 14C, and cosmogenic isotope dating and high resolution topography, Geological Society of America Bulletin, .
- [8] Shao Yanxiu, Zhimin Li, Bo Zhang et al. 2019. Paleoseismological study of the Southern Zongwulong Shan fault, Qilian Mountains, Western China. Geomorphology, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.12.036.
- [9] Shao, Y.*, Liu-Zeng, J.*, Oskin, M. E., Elliott, A. J., Wang, P., 2018, Paleoseismic investigation of the Aksay restraining double-bend, Altyn Tagh fault, and its implication for barrier-breaching ruptures, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123: 4307–4330,
- [10] Shao Yanxiu, Daoyang Yuan, Michael E. Oskin, Pengtao Wang, Jing Liu-Zeng, Cuiping Li, Zhao Wu. 2017. Historical (Yuan Dynasty) earthquake on the North Danghe Nanshan Thrust, western Qilian Shan, China. Bulletin of Seismological Society America, vol. 107 no. 3 1175-1184, doi: 10.1785/0120160289.
- [11] 邵延秀, 刘静, 高云鹏, 王文鑫, 姚文倩, 韩龙飞, 刘志军, 邹小波, 王焱, 李云帅, 刘璐. 同震地表破裂的位移测量与弥散变形分析——以2021年青海玛多MW7.4地震为例[J]. 地震地质, 2022, 44(2): 506-523.
- [12] 刘璐#, 邵延秀, 王伟, 张金玉, 刘兴旺, 邹小波, 姚赟胜, 2022. 藏南仲巴裂谷带地貌和断裂活动特征研究. 地球科学, 47(8): 3029-3044. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.086
- [13] 王文鑫, 邵延秀, 姚文倩, 刘静, 韩龙飞, 刘小利, 高云鹏, 王子君, 秦可心, 屠泓为. 基于摄影测量技术对玛多MW7.4地震地表破裂特征的快速提取及三维结构的室内重建[J]. 地震地质, 2022, 44(2): 524-540.
- [14] Bi, H., Zheng, W., Zhang, P., Zeng, J., Shao, Y., Yao, Y., et al. (2022). Recovering Surface Slip Distribution Along the Sertengshan Piedmont Fault (Northern China) From Airborne LiDAR Data. Tectonics, 41(8), e2021TC007174.
- [15] Yao, W., Liu-Zeng, J., Klinger, Y., Wang, Z., Shao, Y., Han, L., et al. (2022). Late Quaternary Slip Rate of the Zihong Shan Branch and Its Implications for Strain Partitioning Along the Haiyuan Fault, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(5), e2021JB023162.
- [16] Liu-Zeng, J., Yao, W., Liu, X., Shao, Y., Wang, W., Han, L., et al. (2022). High-resolution structure-from-motion models covering 160 km-long surface ruptures of the 2021 MW 7.4 Madoi earthquake in northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Earthquake Research Advances, 2(2), 100140.
- [17] Zou, X., Yuan, D., Shao, Y., Liu, X., Ge, W., & Zhang, B. (2021). The 2003 Ms6.1 Minle Earthquake: An Earthquake in the Minle-Yongchang Reverse Fault-Related Fold Belt in the Hexi Corridor, NW China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9.
- [18] Liu, Xingwang, Gao, Z., Lei, Q., Shao, Y., & Yao, Y. (2022). Timing of Paleoearthquakes and Seismic Hazard of the Zhuozishan West Piedmont Fault in the Northwestern Ordos Block. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10. Retrieved from
- [19] Liu, Xing-wang, Yuan, D., Shao, Y., & Zhang, B. (2022). Re-evaluation of Surface Ruptures Produced by the 1609 M 7.3 Hongyazi Earthquake in the Northern Qilian Shan, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15(6), 542.
- [20] Liu, Xingwang, Gao, Z., Shao, Y., & Yao, Y. (2022). Late Pleistocene Slip Rates on an Active Normal Fault in the Northwestern Ordos Block, China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10. Retrieved from
- [21] 高泽民, 刘兴旺, 邵延秀, & 邹小波. (2021). 地貌参数揭示的三危山构造活动性差异及其原因探讨. 地震工程学报, 43(01), 70–78.
- [22] 张瑞, 张竹琪, 郑德文, 刘兴旺, 雷启云, & 邵延秀. (2021). 鄂尔多斯活动地块西缘强震间库仑应力作用. 地球物理学报, 64(10), 3576–3599.
- [23] 刘静, 袁兆德, 徐岳仁, 邵延秀, 王, 徐晶, et al. (2021). 古地震学:活动断裂强震复发规律的研究. 地学前缘, 1–24.
- [24] 刘兴旺, 袁道阳, 何文贵, 邵延秀, & 张波. (2021). 河西走廊西端酒西盆地古地震研究进展. 地震工程学报, 43(01), 1–10.
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