- Selected Papers
- 谢克家#, 曾令森, 刘静, 高利娥, 2010, 西藏南部晚始新世打拉埃达克质花岗岩及其构造动力学意义, 岩石学报, 26(4): 1016-1026.
- Van der Woerd, J., Ph.-H. Leloup, Liu-Zeng, J., R. Lacassin, P. Tapponnier, 2009, A comment on “Orogen-parallel, active left-slip faults in the eastern Himalaya: Implications for the growth mechanism of the Himalayan arc” by Li and Yin (Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 274 (2008) 258–267), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 285: 217–222.
- Van der Woerd, J., Ph.-H. Leloup, Liu-Zeng, J., R. Lacassin, P. Tapponnier, 2009, A comment on “Orogen-parallel, active left-slip faults in the eastern Himalaya: Implications for the growth mechanism of the Himalayan arc” by Li and Yin (Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 274 (2008) 258–267), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 285: 217–222.
- Zeng L., Liu J., Gao L., Xie K., Wen L., 2009, Early Oligocene anatexis in the Yardoi gneiss dome, southern Tibet and geological implications, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(1): 104 -112.
- Gao, LE; Zeng, LS; Liu, J.,Xie, K., 2009, Early Oligocene Na-rich peraluminous leucogranites in the Yardoi gneiss dome, southern Tibet: Formation mechanism and tectonic implications, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 25(9): 2141-2148.
- 孙杰#, 刘静, 仲振维, 2009, 青藏高原河流地貌定量研究的基础—SRTM3空白数据填充方法剖析及质量评价, 地质通报, 28(6): 726-737.
- 曾令森, 刘静, 高利娥, 陈方远, 谢克家, 2009, 青藏高原拉萨地块早中生代高压变质作用及大地构造意义, 地学前缘, 16(2): 140-15
- 曾令森, 刘静, 高利娥, 谢克家, 文力, 2009, 藏南也拉香波穹隆早渐新世地壳深熔作用及其地质意义, 科学通报, 54(3): 373 –381.
- 许强, 丁林, 张利云, 杨迪, 蔡福龙, 来庆洲, 刘静, 史仁灯, 2009, 青藏高原现代食草动物牙齿珐琅质稳定同位素特征及古高度重建意义, 科学通报, 54(15): 2160-2168.
- Zeng, L., Liu-Zeng, J., Xie, K., 2008, Early Mesozoic high pressure metamorphism in the Lhasa Block, Tibet: Implications for the growth of the Cimmerian subcontinent, Geochimicaet Cosmochimica Acta, 72: A1074.