He obtained his Ph.D. from Sun Yat-sen University, is presently Distinguished Professor and supervisor of Ph.D. candidates at Shenzhen University, honored as “Local Leading Talent of Shenzhen City”. Being a director of the China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese, he concurrently also serves as a member of the Council of the Translation Theory and Teaching Committee of Translators Association of China. He functions as the co-editor of Guang Yi, cooperating with Taiwan Chengchi University. He is an expert of accreditation of Projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China. Prof. Cai explores translation theories through investigating communication systems in Confucianism, which is considered to be comparable with Western philosophy. He offered the course on Translation Philosophy in Nanjing University, and published An Introduction to Translation Philosophy in 2016 by Nanjing University Press. In the meantime he published a series of papers, focusing on zhongyong (中庸), to promote the development of related studies. He is the author of more than ten monographs, such as The Hermeneutic Principles of Literary Translation (Henan University Press, 1997), The Artistic Philosophy of Literary Translation (Henan University, 2002), and An Ontological Study of Translation (Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2004). He has published more than 100 academic articles in journals such as Journal of Foreign Languages, Chinese Translators Journal, and Comparative Literature in China. His major translated works include Selected Works of Fredrick Jameson (Vol. 4) (China Renmin University Press, 2009), and The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2011). He was in charge of one high-profile research project granted by the National Social Sciences Foundation.