“对中英语教学”(TESOC, Teaching English to Speakers of Chinese)留学硕士专业的设立,是深圳大学外国语学院在教育国际化进程中迈出的重要一步。2018年9月,学院迎来第一批海外学子,来自俄罗斯、美国、巴基斯坦和坦桑尼亚的留学生们为外国语学院的多元文化注入了新鲜的血液。
TESOC开设的课程中,除前沿专业理论课程,如《语言学导论》《外语教学流派研究》等,还为学生量身定做了实用的理论与实践相结合的课程,如《英语教学与反思》《中小学英语教学案例研究》等。 四月第一周,TESOC学生在外国语学院基础教育专家陈锫博士的带领下,走进深圳育才太子湾学校,参加了一场别开生面的教学实践交流活动。
活动的第一部分,是由太子湾学校外籍教师Delfino展示的语法示范课,他采用了“Whole Brain Teaching and Learning” 和 “Total Physical Response Teaching Strategy”相结合的教学法。
活动第二部分,是太子湾学校教师谭清扬的语法示范课,主题是“Passive Voice with Modal Verbs”。
“I think that Delfino’s approach is very well suited for younger students trying to get to know that basics of English language interactions. The use of multimedia by Qingyang was a nice touch. The task presented during the lesson was both engaging and served as a good segue into the lessons topic, which was passive voice.”
Irene :
“Both classes appeared to have accomplished their teaching outcomes and objectives. And both classes appeared to be enjoyed by the students. Although each class was distinctly different, the teacher’s stand to learn from one another’s approaches, as mixing both of these approaches can make for a very powerful presentation. I am grateful for the opportunity to have met such passionate and dedicated teachers, and I am looking forward to future observations.”
Aadi :
“Both the teachers had good class management skills and all the activities were very well managed, especially by Qingyang. The classroom activities in her class were arranged in an easy to difficult sequence. Group discussion, problem solving and relating teaching with real life situation were some of the activities used in the class. The teachers didn’t just stand in front of the class during the activities. Instead, they played the role of facilitators, kept on moving in the classroom and provided help to the students if needed. Dividing the students into different groups created a competitive environment which not only helped to keep the students focused throughout the class but also helped in keeping the classroom discipline intact as a strict point scoring system was used for the groups. I will sum my observation up by saying that if as a teacher, I can have the energy of Delfino and the elegance of Qingyang I would surely be a great teacher in future.”
Anna :
“I was happy to visit Taizi Wan Middle School where we were able to watch the real educational process of ELT. First of all, let me say that I was deeply impressed by the surrounding itself; liked the area and the atmosphere there a lot. The school is divided into two parts: primary school and middle school areas. The classrooms are new, big enough to have at least 60 people inside and bright especially on a good sunny day. It is always important to keep in mind few things when it comes to teaching: teachers are facilitators and helpers, students need more encouragement while learning foreign languages in order to start expressing their minds as soon as possible, each student can have his own creative way while completing the task.”
此次活动获得了师生们的一致好评与肯定,学院也将继续组织更多的教学实践和交流活动, 为TESOS留学硕士以及英语教育本科生创造更多“学有所思、学以致用”的实践平台。