讲座题目:Embedded Advertising in Generative AI Knowledge Search (ChatGPT) 主讲嘉宾:Prof. Justin T. Huang 时间:2024年6月19日(星期三)10:00-11:00 讲座地点:明理楼A205 主持人:陈星宇教授,管理学院
讲座摘要: Large language models such as ChatGPT have the potential to massively disrupt consumer knowledge search, threatening to replace search rankings and websites by providing unique, highly contextual answers to user questions and raising questions of how advertisers will reach consumers in this new paradigm. This research examines one avenue for advertising on AI knowledge search: product placement. We present a series of randomized studies assessing its effectiveness, mechanism, and moderating effects of advertisement disclosure and availability of targeting information. Our results show that product placements outperform traditional display advertising in motivating purchase intention, through a mechanism of increased customer awareness rather than shifting brand sentiment. However, inserted product placements come at the cost of lower user satisfaction with the AI knowledge search experience, particularly when the advertising is disclosed. 主讲人简介: Justin T. Huang is Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Michigan Ross School of Business. His research explores the role of digital platforms in shaping user behavior and the broader societal impacts of emerging digital technologies. This includes research on online marketplaces, social networks, influencer marketing, and livestreaming using structural modeling, causal inference, and machine learning. Justin's work is highly relevant to content creators, consumers, advertisers, and technology platforms as they navigate questions surrounding ranking and displaying content, driving organic content creation, and managing long-term growth.
管理学院 2024年6月14日 |