
Call for Participation:Workshop on Emerging Sensors and Surveying Technologies


Workshop on Emerging Sensors and Surveying Technologies


12-13 December 2014



Call for Participation



You are cordially invited to participate in the Workshop on Emerging Sensors and Surveying Technologies that will be held at Shenzhen on 12-13 December 2014. The workshop is open to all research students and young scientists in related fields.


Rapid developments in engineering, micro-electronics and computer sciences have significantly changed both sensors/instrumentations and methodologies in Applied Geodesy, Engineering Surveying and related fields. This workshop aims to discuss the developments and applications of emerging sensors, and share the ideas about innovative surveying techniques. Some renowned experts in this fields (including Prof. Derek Lichti, the editor-in-chief of ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) will participate this workshop and give keynote presentations. It will be an ideal opportunity for young scholars to learn and share the latest progresses in the field of sensors and surveying technologies.


The workshop organizer also hosts an ISPRS WG II/7 & ACM SIGSPATIAL CHINA Joint Workshop on Spatial Big Data Mining and Visualization (/szu/mu_spatial/SBDMV2014.htm) in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Data Mining on 14 December 2014 at Shenzhen. Participants will have the opportunity to attend the ISPRS-IEEE joint workshop after our event.



Please send a long abstract (2000 words) and your resume (supervisor name (if student), publications and experiences on related research projects) to spatial@szu.edu.cn before 30 October 2014, and the acceptance will be informed before 10 November 2014. The accepted participants (no more than 30) are required to present their paper in the workshop, and 10-15 distinguished works will be selected and published in journal (EI or SCI index) after further extensions.



There is no registration fee for this workshop, and accommodation and meal will be covered by the organizer for accepted participants. But all participants are responsible for their own transportation fee.



Key Laboratory for Geo-Environment Monitoring of Coastal Zone of the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and GeoInformation

Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Spatial Smart Sensing and Service


Contact Information:

Contact person: Dr. Wang Chisheng


Email: spatial@szu.edu.cn



Room 1402, Science and Technology Building, Shenzhen University

No. 3688 Nanhai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P. R. China, 518060