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导师简介(生物医学工程)Supervisor Profiles(Biomedical Engineering)
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生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering 


Biomedical Engineering (Medicine/Engineering/Sciences)


This program will equip students with solid theoretical and systematic professional knowledge in molecular medicine, biomedical engineering, and related fields. Graduates of this program will have the opportunity to undertake independent scientific research, allowing them to understand the current status and future trends of medicine/biomedical engineering, and write and communicate in English.


1. Biomedical information

Apply biomedical engineering techniques and methods to collect, analyze and evaluate health-related biomedical information, establish disease risk prediction and early warning models, explore the underlying reasons of disease pathogenesis, and conduct intervention studies.

2. Cell and tissue engineering

Conduct research on various types of stem cell and bioscaffold materials, and learn how to apply tissue engineering and regeneration technologies to acute and chronic injuries and diseases; conduct research using cell engineering and nanomaterial labeling technologies based on modern gene technology; perform in vivo and in vitro cell tracing and monitoring; and develop new sources of stem cells for research and industrialization amplification technologies, including the development of 3D culture and amplification and bioreactor systems.

3. Systematic Biomedical:

Harness biophysical, biochemical, bioinformatic and systems biology approaches to study human aging and major diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, and infectious diseases; use cells, tissues, organs to conduct translational medicine research into human disease mechanisms at multiple levels, and develop personalized and precise diagnostic and treatment approaches.


Frontiers in Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Image Analysis, Lecture on Pattern Recognition Front, Advanced Cell Biology and Disease, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.


There is a wide spectrum of career paths that can follow from obtaining a PhD in Biomedical Engineering, including but not limited to:

Biomedical Scientist/ResearcherBiomedical scientists and researchers, in both clinical and/or research environments, conduct research that aims to improve human health by carrying out scientific tests to find solutions to medical/clinical problems. They research information that aids in the development of biomedical technology and test products so that they are safe and effective for consumers.

Biomaterials DeveloperBiomedical engineers may develop biomaterials based on either natural living tissue or artificial materials, for use in the human body. Tissue engineering, biomedical implant development, drug delivery and nano implants are all areas that a biomaterials developer may work in. Biomaterials can be used to either repair or replace lost function to the body, or to detect and image disease.

Biomedical Artificial Intelligent (AI) Researcher or Developer AI technology is rewiring many parts of society. How medical/clinical procedures and philosophies will be affected by AI is a thrilling frontier for exploration. A career in this field will involve you not only in science and technology, but also in areas of ethics, finance, and regulation.

Rehabilitation EngineerBiomedical engineers who work in a field dedicated to rehabilitation often work on diverse projects. These can range from mechanical equipment that helps patients regain the ability to walk, to virtual reality systems that aid in limb mobility. Rehabilitation engineers may also create custom solutions based on unique needs or research improvements that can form the basis of a novel rehabilitation technology.

Medical Device/Technology Developer

Medical technology can refer to the hardware and software that help manufacture medical devices, as well as to the technology that is an integral part of those devices. Medical technology professionals with biomedical engineering backgrounds may specialize in bioinstrumentation, or the use of bioelectronic/biomechanical/biochemical instruments to record or transmit physiological information in vivo and/or in vitro.






Yiwen Sun (Carol)





Yiwen SUN (Carol) studied optical information science and technology for her B.Sc. degree at Xidian University (China) followed by an M.Eng. degree in Institute of Optoelectronics, Shenzhen University (China). She started her Ph.D work with the Terahertz Group at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (HK), specialising in studying the biomedical applications of terahertz spectroscopy. She is currently a professor in the department of Biomedical Engineering at Shenzhen Univ. Her research interests include developing THz devices and instrumentation to speed up THz imaging; Bio-sensing and imaging; and characterisation algorithm development.




Chunqi Chang





Dr Chunqi Chang, PhD supervisor. He received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in electronic engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 2001. From 2002 to 2012, he was with the University of Hong Kong where he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow, a Research Associate, a Research Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and a Visiting Professor with the State Key Lab of Brain & Cognitive Sciences. From 2012 to 2015, he was a Professor in the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, China. Since 2015 he has been a Professor in School of Biomedical Engineering, Health Science Center, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. His current interest is on basic brain science research on neuron networks (and brain organisms), animal models and human brains at micro-meso-macro scales using multi-modal neural information measurements, neural regulation, brain simulation, and machine learning techniques, with clinical applications. He has published more than 100 research papers (80+ SCI cited).









先后就学于西安交通大学、德国埃尔兰根大学、美国斯坦福大学。研究方向包括医学成像、智能计算、专科智能化、医用机器人。主持开发了中国首批计算机智能辅助软件产品及“云+AI”临床专科智能化平台。其中乳腺MammoCAD填补国内空白, 泌尿UroCARE是首个获美国FDA认证的中国产品,eStroke国家溶栓取栓影像平台是国内首个投入使用的脑卒中专科智能救治平台,发表论文170余篇、专利50余项。


Yan KANG, Chair Professor in Biomedical Engineering with Shenzhen Technology University, Ex-Director of Research Engineering Center for Medical Imaging and Intelligent Analysis, China Ministry of Education. He is the Chairman of Sub-Technique Commission of Medical Diagnostic Imaging Equipment, International Electro-technical Commission (IEC/SC62B), Chairman of China Standards Committee for Medical X-ray Equipment and Devices, committee member of National Education Guidance of Biomedical Engineering, Executive member of the National Medical Equipment Classification of CFDA, he is associate chairman of Biomedical Electronics Sub-committee, China Electronic Society, he is Chairman of Liaoning Medical Information and Health Engineering Society, and he also served as the editor of the Journal of China Medical Equipment. He is the member of RSNA and RSE. He was ex-vice president of Neusoft Medical Systems and general manager of Clinical Application Business Unit. He was the ex-dean of Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering School, Northeastern University.

Dr. Kang obtained his Bachelor and Master degrees from Xi’an Jiaotong University, and earned his Ph.D. degree in the Institute of Medical Physics, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany. He worked in the Laboratory of Image Guided Surgery, Stanford University as a post doctorate scholar. His research activities mainly focuses on Medical Imaging, Medical Intelligent Assistance, Surgical Robot and Computer Simulations. He has about 50 patents, 170 papers and 3 books published.







许改霞,博士,教授,博士生导师,广东省“特支计划”百千万工程青年拔尖人才,深圳市海外高层次“孔雀计划”人才。研究方向为:1)生物医学光学传感与成像,主要开展疾病相关标志物分子检测与活体成像研究;2)纳米医学,主要开展新型光敏剂的光学诊疗研究。主持国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金等项目12项;研究成果发表在Advanced Materials, ACS Nano等国际知名杂志,共发表论文100余篇,被引1600余次;指导研究生共23名,其中15名已获得学位毕业。


Gaixia Xu, PhD., Professor. She Joined Shenzhen University as a staff since 2008 and had been appointed full professor since 2013. Her Current research interests include, 1) Biomedical optical sensing and imaging, mainly focusing on molecule detection of disease markers and in vivo imaging research; 2) Nanomedicine, mainly focuses on optical theranostics by using various novel photosensitizers. The research works were published in scientific journals, such as Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, etc, which have been cited for more than 1600 times. 23 postgraduate students were supervised and 15 got their degrees.




Tiantian Kong



广东省珠江青年学者,深圳市海外高层次人才B类。主要研究领域为微流控技术在生物医学领域的应用和发展。迄今共有80篇高水平学术期刊论文发表,其中以第一或通讯作者身份在 Nature Communications (2篇)、PNAS、Advanced Materials (3篇)、Angew Chem、Advanced Functional Materials (3篇)、Advanced Energy Materials (2篇)、Materials Horizon、ACS Nano、Small等期刊上发表高水平论文50篇。现主持或结题国家及省市级项目9项。申请国内发明专利15项,已授权 5项。获中国化工学会科学技术奖2等奖(第一完成人)、2020届微系统与纳米工程国际峰会 “优秀青年科学家奖”、第十届化学工程青年学者交流研讨会最佳报告奖(2020)、软物质领域国际知名杂志Soft Matter 2020 年新兴研究者等荣誉,任Small 专刊《展望微流控第四个“十年”》专刊的客座编辑之一。


Dr. Tiantian Kong received her S.M. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hong Kong. After one-year of postdoc training, she joined Department of Biomedical Engineering at Shenzhen University November 2015 as an assistant professor. She was promoted to associate professor November 2018. Her research interests include electrohydrodynamic microscaled flows, microfluidic-templated materials, bioprinting, soft matter and soft bioelectronics. Her works have been published in PNAS, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Functional Materials, and highlighted in Science News. She has received “Guangdong Province Pearl-River Young Scholar Fund” in 2018, “Young Scientist Award” in MINE (Microsystems & Nanoengineering Summit 2020, 12/54), “Emerging Investigator” Soft Matter in 2021, “Outstanding Oral Presentation Award” in 2020 10th Young Chemical Engineers Symposium, silver medal in the 46th International Exhibition of Inventions (Geneva, Switzerland) in 2018, Outstanding Research Graduate Student Award from Mechanical Engineering at HKU (2013). She has also co-edited special issue “The fourth decade of microfluidics” in Small and c-authored the corresponding editorial.




JaneZhen LIANG



梁臻,深圳大学特聘研究员/副教授,香港理工大学电子及资讯工程学系博士。2012年至2017年期间,先后在香港神念科技有限公司和香港教育大学脑神经科学与教育研究中心任高级研究员职位。2017年至2019年在日本京都大学信息学研究院任特聘助理教授。2019年4月加入深圳大学医学部生物医学工程学院,获评深圳海外高层次人才孔雀计划C类人才。主要研究兴趣包括情感脑机接口和神经工程等。担任Brain-Apparatus Communication: A Journal of Bacomics编委,担任CCF-C类会议PRICAI-2022的情感脑机接口论坛主席和第七届神经信息国际会议的大脑神经机制论坛主席。长期担任IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TCYB, IEEE TAC, IEEE TBME, Neural Networks, and Scientific Data等杂志的审稿工作。目前,已发表高水平国际学术论文50余篇,主持国家级项目两项,省市级项目两项。


Zhen Liang received her Ph.D. degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, in 2013. From 2012 to 2017, she was an algorithm development scientist at NeuroSky, Inc., Hong Kong. From 2018 to 2019, she was a specially‐appointed assistant professor of Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan. She is currently an associate professor at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Medical School, Shenzhen University, China. Her current research interests include affective brain-computer interface, brain encoding and decoding systems, visual attention, and neural engineering. For further details on her work and publications, you can visit her website: .




Gan Huang




l 在国内外高水平杂志 Neuroimage, Neural Network杂志发表论文40余篇,谷歌学术H指数为22

l 担任IEEE TNNLS, TNSRE, TBME, JNE, NeuroImage等多个期刊审稿人;

l 承担国家自然科学基金2项,省市科研项目多项;

l 2021年获教育部自然科学一等奖;

l 写脑电信号处理软件 Letswave7 (


Huang Gan, Ph.D., graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Louvain in Belgium. Currently, he is an associate professor, distinguished researcher, in School of Biomedical Engineering, Health Science Center, Shenzhen University. Dr. Huang’s research primarily revolves around the development of robust neural signal decoding methods in the domains of motor and sensory functions, as well as precise neural modulation technologies. His areas of interest extend to the practical applications of scientific research, encompassing brain-computer interfaces, neural modulation, neural prosthetics, and related fields. More information could be seen in the website (

Dr. Huang have published over 40 papers in high-impact journals both domestically and internationally, including Neuroimage and Neural Network, with an H-index of 22 on Google Scholar, and serve as a reviewer for various journals such as TNNLS, TNSRE, TBME,  JNE, and NeuroImage.

Additionally, Dr. Huang have been involved in multiple national and provincial research projects, having secured funding for two projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and various regional research programs. In 2021, he received the first prize in the Natural Science category from the Ministry of Education. Furthermore, he has authored the brainwave signal processing software, Letswave7 (




Guanghui Yue



副教授,留学博士生导师。目前任广东省医学会人工智能分会委员。主要研究方向为3D图像/视频处理、图像/视频质量评价、医学图像分析、计算机视觉、机器学习及其应用等。截至目前,在领域内权威杂志/会议发表学术论文70多篇(含20多篇IEEE/ACM 汇刊文章)、授权国家发明专利16项。岳博士的谷歌学术引用1400次以上,H指数为23。他担任二十余个国际顶级/知名期刊的学术审稿人,例如IEEE TMI/TIP/TMM/TCSVT/TII/TIE/TIM/TETCI/TNNLS/TCYB/SPL, Elsevier SP/DSP/NEUCOM/SPIC/JVCI, IET IP/EL


Dr Guanghui Yue, Associate Professor. He researches broadly in the areas of 3D image/video processing, image/video quality assessment and enhancement, medical image analysis, computer vision, machine learning and its applications, etc. He has published 70+ papers in prestigious journals and conferences including 20+ papers in IEEE/ACM Transactions, and authorized 16 Chinese Invention Patents. His Google Scholar h-index is 23, and Google Scholar Citation is 1400+. Dr. Yue serves as an academic member of the artificial intelligence branch of Guangdong Medical Association. He also serves as the reviewer of many top-tier journals, such as IEEE TMI/TIP/TMM / TCSVT/TII/TIE/TIM/TETCI/TNNLS/TCYB/SPL, Elsevier SP/DSP/ NEUCOM/SPIC/JVCI, IET IP/EL.




Yu-Chao Jiang



蒋宇超,从事人工智能和大数据、神经信息学、脑影像学与精神医学的理工医交叉研究,致力于神经影像技术和医学转化研究,基于海量生物医学数据的大数据挖掘、统计和机器学习工具,开发基于时空概念的新型脑疾病建模方法,能够在“时间”和“空间”两个层面解析脑疾病的空间起源和时间进展轨迹,应用于多种脑疾病建模。以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI论文20余篇,包括Nature Mental Health,Nature Communications,Science Advances等。


Dr. Jiang Yuchao is engaged in interdisciplinary research spanning artificial intelligence, big data, neuroinformatics, neuroimaging, and psychiatry. His work focuses on advancing neuroimaging technologies and translational medicine through the development of innovative modeling approaches for brain disorders, based on spatiotemporal concepts. Leveraging large-scale biomedical data, he applies big data mining, statistical techniques, and machine learning tools to analyze the spatial origins and temporal progression trajectories of brain disorders. These methods have been applied to the modeling of various brain diseases. Dr. Jiang has authored or co-authored over 20 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author, including publications in Nature Mental Health, Nature Communications, and Science Advances.




Dong Ni



倪东教授是深圳大学生物医学工程学院教授,2010年创办医学超声图像计算(MUSIC)实验室。发表论文200余篇,H指数49,引用次数超过1万次。曾任MICCAI 2019分会主席,2020年至2023年担任MICCAI董事会成员。倪教授长期从事智能超声的研究、临床应用及产业转化,是全球最早将深度学习应用于超声影像分析的学者之一(2015年)。在超声图像计算领域提出多项原创性理念,包括标准切面识别、影像质量控制、三维超声图像分割、基于深度学习的自由臂三维超声重建等,带领数百人研发团队,开发十余款超声AI软件,软件全球授权超过3万套。


Professor Dong Ni is the full professor of School of Biomedical Engineering, Shenzhen University. He founded the Medical UltraSound Image Computing (MUSIC) Lab in 2010. He is also the founder and chief scientist of Shenzhen RayShape Medical Technology Co., Ltd., which has become the largest supplier of Ultrasound AI software in the world. He has published more than 200 papers, with an H-index of 49 and more than 10, 000 citations. He was the local Chair of MICCAI 2019 and has served as the Board member of MICCAI society from 2020 to 2023.

Professor Ni has been involved in the research, clinical application and industrial transformation of intelligent ultrasound for a long time. He is one of the first to apply deep learning to ultrasound imaging (2015). He has put forward many original ideas in the field of ultrasound image computing, including standard plane recognition, imaging quality control, 3D ultrasound image segmentation, freehand 3D ultrasound reconstruction based on deep learning, etc. He has led a R&D team of hundreds of people and developed more than 10 ultrasound AI software. The software has been authorized for more than 30,000 sets worldwide.
