中国生态学学会种群生态专业委员会秘书长,重庆市生态学学会青年工作委员会副主任。《Diversity and Distribution》、《Plant Ecology》、《Ecology and Evolution》、《Ecology and Society》、《生态学报》、《湖泊科学》和《草业科学》等学术期刊审稿人。
2016.03–2018.03,瑞典于默奥大学(Umeå University)生态与环境科学学院,博士后
Rongyan Qian, Fu Cai, Yi Wen, María D. Bejarano, Shan Wu, Qin Yang,Xiaolei Su*. (2024) The functional diversity of plants dispersed via three upland rivers in humid subtropical monsoon climate.Hydrobiologia. 851, 4639–4651.
Yi Wen,Xiaolei Su*, Fu Cai, Rongyan Qian, María Dolores Bejarano, Shan Wu, Qin Yang, Xudong Liu, Bo Zeng*. (2024) The differences in plant invasion in two types of shorelines under flow regulation of the Three Gorges Reservoir.Science of the Total Environment. 912, 168892.
Qin Yang, María D. Bejarano, Wenchao Ma, Muhammad Salam, Bo Pu, Hong Wei*,Xiaolei Su*.(2023)Effects of long-term submergence on non-structural carbohydrates andNandPconcentrations ofSalix matsudanaalong the Three Gorges Reservoir.Hydrobiologia. 850, 2035–2047.
Xiaolei Su*, Shan Wu#, Lovisa Lind, Fu Cai, Bo Zeng*.(2022)The hydrochorous dispersal of plant propagules in a giant river reservoir: Implications for restoration of riparian vegetation.Journal of Applied Ecology, 59, 2199–2208.
Sufang Jing, Xiaoping Zhang, Hangang Niu, Feng Lin, Qiaoli Ayi, Binna Wan, Xinyi Ren,Xiaolei Su,
Shaohua Shi, Songping Liu, Bo Zeng*.(2022)Differential growth responses ofAlternanthera philoxeroidesas affected by submergence depths.Frontiers in Plant Science,13, 883800.
Xiaolei Su, María D. Bejarano, Xuemei Yi, Feng Lin, Qiaoli Ayi, Bo Zeng*.(2020)Unnatural flooding alters the functional diversity of riparian vegetation of the Three Gorges Reservoir.Freshwater Biology, 65, 1585–1595.
Lina E. Polvi*, Lovisa Lind, Henrik Persson, Aneliza Miranda-Melo, Francesca Pilotto,Xiaolei Su, Christer Nilsson.(2020)Facets and scales in river restoration: Nestedness and interdependence of hydrological, geomorphic, ecological, and biogeochemical processes.Journal of Environmental Management, 265, 110288.
María D. Bejarano*, Judith Sarneel,Xiaolei Su, Alvaro Sordo-Ward.(2020)Shifts in riparian plant life forms following flow regulation.Forests, 11, 518.
Songping Liu, Feng Lin,Xiaolei Su, Qiaoli Ayi, Hangang Niu, Shaohua Shi, Binna Wan, Bo Zeng*, Xiaoping Zhang*.(2020)Intraspecific differentiation in seed flooding tolerance ofEchinochloa crusgallivar.zelayensispopulation in shores of a giant reservoir along altitudinal gradients.Journal of Plant Ecology, 14, 22–32.
Xiaolei Su*,Lovisa Lind, Lina E. Polvi, Christer Nilsson.(2019)Variation in hydrochory among lakes and streams: Effects of channel planform, roughness and currents.Ecohydrology, e2091.
Xiaolei Su*,Lina E. Polvi, Lovisa Lind, Francesca Pilotto, Christer Nilsson.(2019)Importance of landscape context for post-restoration recovery of riparian vegetation.Freshwater Biology, 64, 1015–1028.
陈淼,苏晓磊,黄慧敏,高婷,党成强,董蓉,曾波,陶建平*.(2019)三峡库区河流生境质量评价.生态学报, 39(1), 192–201.
陈淼,苏晓磊,黄慧敏,党成强,高婷,曾波,陶建平*.(2018)三峡库区支流生境因子对库区蓄水的响应.生态学报, 38(4), 1478–1486.
Xiaolei Su, Christer Nilsson, Francesca Pilotto, Songping Liu, Shaohua Shi, Bo Zeng*.(2017)Soil erosion and deposition in the new shorelines of the Three Gorges Reservoir.Science of the Total Environment, 599–600 (supplement C), 1485–1492.
陈淼,苏晓磊,党成强,高婷,黄慧敏,董蓉,陶建平*.(2017)三峡水库河流生境评价指标体系构建及应用.生态学报, 37(24), 8433–8444.
Xiaolei Su, Bo Zeng*, Feng Lin, Pu Qiao, Qiaoli Ayi, Wenjun Huang.(2016)How does long-term complete submergence influence sex ratio and resource allocation of a dioecious shrub,Salix variegataFranch.?Ecological Engineering, 87, 218–223.
Xie Luo,Xiaolei Su, Jingmiao Cui, Ya Lou, Ru Li, Xiumei Luo, Yuanqin Zeng, Yaobo Xu, Jinyan Dong*.(2016)Biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the drawdown zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir under different fertilization histories.Ecological Research, 31, 407–416.
Xinfei Zhao, Shenhong Yuan, Hongchuan Song,Xiaolei Su,Hongqiang Mao, Weiyun Shen, Xiaoli Qu, Jinyan Dong*.(2016)Arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate fungal associations in riparian plants of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, Southwest China.Aquatic Botany, 133, 28–37.
Feng Lin, Jianhui Liu, Bo Zeng*, Xiaojiao Pan,Xiaolei Su.(2016)Submergence tolerance and germination dynamics ofRoegneria nutansseeds in water-level fluctuation zones with different water rhythms in the Three Gorges Reservoir. PLos One, 11(3), 1–13.
苏晓磊*,朱海燕,李宗峰.(2015)用中国古典哲学指导“环境科学”的教学模式.西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 40(5), 197–200.
Xiaolei Su, Bo Zeng*, Wenjun Huang, Shenhong Yuan, Shaojun Xu, Shutong Lei.(2013)The effect of winter impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam: The degradation and convergence of pre-upland vegetation.Ecological Engineering, 61, 456–459.
Xiaolei Su,Bo Zeng*, Wenjun Huang, Shaojun Xu, Shutong Lei.(2012)Effects of the Three Gorges Dam on preupland and preriparian drawdown zones vegetation in the upper watershed of the Yangtze River, P.R. China.Ecological Engineering, 44, 123–127.
苏晓磊,曾波*,乔普,阿依巧丽,黄文军.(2010)冬季水淹对秋华柳的开花物候及繁殖分配的影响.生态学报, 30(10), 2585–2592.