SONG Xingguo
Office: Room ***, Mechanical Building, Jiuli Campus
Links: /swjtu/smu_faculty/songxingguo/en/index.htm
PhD, Harbin Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering (2015)
M.A., Yanshan University, operational research and cybernetics (2010)
B.S., Hubei Normal University, Applied Mathematics (2007)
Academic Appointments
Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2015-present)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics, Johns Hopkins University, USA (2017-2018)
Visiting Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rice University, USA (2013-2014)
Research Interests
Machine Learning, Bionic Robotics, Unmanned aerial vehicles
Principal Publications of the Last Five Years
Xingguo Song, Haibo Gao, Liang Ding, Pol. D Spanos, Zongquan Deng, Zhijun Li, Locally Supervised Neural Networks for Approximating Terramechanical Models, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016,75(15): 57-74.
Xingguo Song, Haibo Gao, Liang Ding, Zongquan Deng, Diagonal Recurrent Neural Networks for Parameters Identification of Terrain based on Wheel-Soil Interaction Analysis, Neural computing and Applications, 2017, 28(4):797-804.
Ailong Wu, Zhiguang Zeng, Xingguo Song, Global Mittag-Leffler stabilization of fractional-order bidirectional associative memory neural networks, Neurocomputing. 2016, 117(12): 489-496.
Liu, Ling, Ailong Wu, Xingguo Song, Global O^-(t-α) stabilization of fractional-order memristive neural networks with time delays. SpringerPlus 5.1 (2016).
Xingguo Song*, Hongli Gao, Haibo Gao, Liang Ding, Neural Adaptive Tracking Control via Chained Transform for Wheeled Mobile Robot, Control Conference (CCC), 2016 35th Chinese. IEEE, 2016: 3029-3034..
Xingguo Song*, Xu Fan, Zhongqing Cao, Hongli Gao. A TC-RRT-based path planning algorithm for the nonholonomic mobile robots, Control Conference (CCC), 2017 36th Chinese. IEEE, 2017: 6638-6643.
Xingguo Song*, Zhongqing Cao, Hongli Gao, Local Gaussian Processes for Identifying Complex Mobile robot System, Control Conference (CCC), 2018 37th Chinese. IEEE, 2018.
Current Research
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Applied Basic Research Project of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province
Research Group
Dr. Song is a member of Technology And Equipment Of Rail Transit Operation And Maintenance Key Laboratory Of Sichuan Province.
Primary Teaching areas
Modern Control Theory
Current Courses
Modern Control Theory
Introduction of Robot
I am available for supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised and graduated four Masters.