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八秩芳华 • 恒元物理学讲座(第294期)

时间:2024/10/14 08:15:37作者:点击量:

报告题目:Basis-error-free RPA correlation energies for atoms and molecules based on the Sternheimer equation

报告人:任新国 教授(中科院物理所

报告时间:2024年10月15日 (星期二)上午10:20 – 10:50


Correlated methods involving virtual orbitals show slow convergence with respect to the basis size and practical calculations based on such methods suffer from basis set incompleteness errors. Here we develop a numerical technique that allows one to obtain numerically precise random phase approximation(RPA)electron correlation energies, so far for atoms [1] and diatomic molecules, which are free of basis set incompleteness errors. The key idea behind this technique is to compute the Kohn-Sham density response function by solving the Sternheimer equations on dense 1- and 2-dimensional radial grids, enabling the convergence of the RPA correlation energies to arbitrary numerical precision.  This approach provides unambiguous reference results for those obtained with finite basis sets, allowing for assessing the reliability of the commonly used extrapolation scheme, as well as the errors introduced by frozen core approximation. It can also guide the development of more efficient and systematic atomic basis sets, in particular in the context of numerical atomic orbitals.[1] H. Peng, S. Yang, H. Jiang, H. Weng, and X. Ren, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 19, 7199 (2023).Correlated methods involving virtual orbitals show slow convergence with respect to the basis size and practical calculations based on such methods suffer from basis set incompleteness errors. Here we develop a numerical technique that allows one to obtain numerically precise random phase approximationRPAelectron correlation energies, so far for atoms [1] and diatomic molecules, which are free of basis set incompleteness errors. The key idea behind this technique is to compute the Kohn-Sham density response function by solving the Sternheimer equations on dense 1- and 2-dimensional radial grids, enabling the convergence of the RPA correlation energies to arbitrary numerical precision.  This approach provides unambiguous reference results for those obtained with finite basis sets, allowing for assessing the reliability of the commonly used extrapolation scheme, as well as the errors introduced by frozen core approximation. It can also guide the development of more efficient and systematic atomic basis sets, in particular in the context of numerical atomic orbitals.

[1] H. Peng, S. Yang, H. Jiang, H. Weng, and X. Ren, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 19, 7199 (2023).



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