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    1) Zhao, L., Chen, C., Shao, L., Wang, Y., Xiao, X., Chen, C., Yang, J., Zevin, J., Xue, G. (2016). Orthographic and Phonological Representations in the Fusiform Cortex. Cereb Cortex. (SSCI, IF2015=8.285)

    2) Xiaojuan Wang, Rong Zhao, Jason Zevin, Jianfeng Yang. (2016). The neural correlates of the interaction between semantic and phonological processing for Chinese character reading. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. (SSCI, IF2015=2.463)

    3) Xiaojuan Wang, Jianfeng Yang*, Jie Yang, Einar Mencl, Hua Shu, Jason D. Zevin (2015). Language Differences in the Brain Network for Reading in Naturalistic Story Reading and Lexical Decision. PLoS ONE. 10 (5): e0124388. (SSCI, IF2015=3.057)

    4) Gan, S., Yang, J., Chen, X., & Yang, Y. (2015). The electrocortical modulation effects of different emotion regulation strategies. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 9(4):1-12. (SCI, IF2015= 2.159)

    5) Jiang, A., Yang, J., & Yang, Y. (2014). MMN responses during implicit processing of changes in emotional prosody: an ERP study using Chinese pseudo-syllables. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 8(6): 499–508. (SCI, IF2014= 1.671)

    6) Jason D. Zevin, & Jianfeng Yang (2013). Taking models and neuroimaging to task: What do we know about how people actually Read? In B. Miller, L. Cutting, & P. McCardle (Eds.), Unraveling Reading Comprehension: Behavioral, Neurobiological, and Genetic Components. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. 

    7) Jianfeng Yang, Hua Shu, Bruce D. McCandliss, Jason D. Zevin (2013). Orthographic influences on division of labor in learning to read Chinese and English: Insights from computational modeling. Bilingulism: Language and Cognition. 16(S2): 354-366. (SSCI, IF2011=1.714)

    8) Jianfeng Yang, Xiaojuan Wang, Hua Shu, Jason D. Zevin (2012), Task by stimulus interactions in brain responses during Chinese character processing, NeuroImage, 60(2): 979-990. (SCI, IF2011=5.895)

    9) Xuhai Chen, Jianfeng Yang, Shuzhen Gan, Yufang Yang (2012). The Contribution of Sound Intensity in Vocal Emotion Perception: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence. PLoS ONE, 7(1): e30278.  (SCI, IF2011=4.092)

    10) Jianfeng Yang, Xiaojuan Wang, Hua Shu, Jason D. Zevin (2011). Brain networks associated with sublexical properties of Chinese characters. Brain and Language, 119(2): 68-79. (SCI/SSCI, IF2011=3.115)

    11) Xiaojuan Wang, Jianfeng Yang*, Hua Shu, Jason D. Zevin (2011). Left fusiform BOLD responses are inversely related to word-likeness in a one-back task. NeuroImage. 2011, 55(3): 1346-1356. (SCI, IF2011=5.895)

    12) Jason D. Zevin, Jianfeng Yang, Jeremy Skipper, Bruce D. McCandliss (2010), Domain General Change Detection Accounts for “Dishabituation” Effects in Temporal–Parietal Regions in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Speech Perception, The Journal of Neuroscience, 2010, 30(3):1110-1117. (SCI, IF2011=7.178)

    13) Jianfeng Yang, Bruce McCandliss, Hua Shu, Jason Zevin (2009). Simulating language-specific and language-general effects in a statistical learning model of reading. Journal of Memory and Language, 61(2), 238-257. (SCI/SSCI, IF2011=3.221)

    14) Jianfeng Yang, Bruce McCandliss, Hua Shu, Jason Zevin (2008), The division of labor between phonology and semantics in reading: simulation across languages, In B.C. Love, K. McRae, & V.M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceeding of 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 445-450). Austin, TX: Cognitve Science Society.

    15) Jianfeng Yang, Jason Zevin, Hua Shu, Bruce McCandliss and Ping Li (2006), A Triangle Model of Chinese Reading. In Proceeding of 28th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 912-917.

    16) 刘梦醒, 杨剑峰*, 王小娟(2016). 适于自然情境脑成像研究的分析方法: 被试间相关及其应用. 心理科学, 39(6), 1026-1032.

    17) 赵荣, 王小娟, 杨剑峰*(2016). 声调在汉语音节感知中的作用. 心理学报, 48(8), 915-923.

    18) 王小娟, 赵荣, 杨剑峰*(2015). 应用动态因果模型研究阅读神经网络背、腹侧通路的协作机制. 心理科学进展, 23(5), 737–744.

    19) 王小娟,杨剑峰*(2013). 视觉词汇加工的动态神经网络及其形成, 《心理科学进展》, 21(2): 199-204.

    20) 王小娟,舒华,杨剑峰*(2011).小学儿童汉字学习的计算机模拟.《中国科技论文在线精品论文》,2011, 4(5): 469-474.

    21) 王小娟,舒华,杨剑峰*(2010).大脑视觉词形区及其在阅读神经网络中的作用,《心理科学进展》,2010,18(8),1199-1207.

    22) 杨剑峰,舒华(2008).汉字阅读的联结主义模型,《心理学报》,2008,40(5): 516-522 

    23) 王小娟,杨剑峰,舒华(2008).获得性阅读障碍的主要系统假说,《心理科学进展》,2008, 16(6): 868-873.

    24) 李虹,舒华,薛锦,杨剑峰(2008).阅读障碍儿童的技能自动化加工,《心理发展与教育》, 2008.1: 101-105

    25) 薛锦,陆建平,杨剑峰,舒华(2008).规则性、语音意识、语义对汉语阅读障碍者阅读的影响,《中国特殊教育》,2008.11: 44-49.

    26) 薛锦,舒华,杨剑,陆建平(2008). 发展性阅读障碍亚类型研究中的问题,《中国特殊教育》,2008.3:48-52 

    27) 王小娟,杨剑峰,舒华(2007). 汉字阅读发展的联结主义模型,生物化学与生物物理进展,2007,34(2),136-136. 

    28) 陈清华,陈六君,杨剑峰,方福康(2007). 汉字形-音学习一致性获得的神经网络模型,生物化学与生物物理进展,2007,34(2),64-64.

    29) 杨剑峰,邢红兵,舒华(2003). 小学儿童词汇获得的自组织模型,赵明生编辑,《第十三届中国神经网络学术会议论文集》,山东:青岛,200311.      







1. 2017.01-2020.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31671167):“汉字阅读的语义神经回路及其与语音回路的协作机制”,61万。

2. 2016.07-2019.06, 教育部人文社会科学规划项目(16YJA190010) :“故事理解中不同层次语义整合的大脑神经机制”,10万。

3. 2012.01-2015.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31171077) :“视觉词汇加工的动态神经网络及其形成”,68万。

4. 2012.10-2012.09, 中国科学院国际交流项目(2012Y1SA0004) ,26.5万。

5. 2011.01-2012.12, 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室开放课题重点项目(CNKOPZD1005) ,9万。

6. 2012.01-2013.12, 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(Y1HX232006) ,3万。

7. 2010.03-2012.02, 中科院心理所青年人才科研启动基金(Y0CX122S01) ,10万。 



1. 2012-2015,社科重点项目: “汉语词汇加工及其障碍的多学科综合研究” ,主持人:翁旭初。

2. 2012-2015,自然科学基金面上项目(31170977) :“汉语书写产生过程的认知机制及其神经基础”,主持人:张清芳。

3. 2011-2013,自然科学基金面上项目(31070989) :“情绪韵律加工的动态神经机制”,主持人:杨玉芳。

4. 2011-2013,自然科学基金面上项目(31070904) :“中文阅读中词的切分的认知机理研究”,主持人:李兴珊。

5. 2011-2013,自然科学基金青年项目(31000505) :“汉语语篇韵律边界的认知加工及其神经机制”,主持人:李卫君。

6. 2008-2010,自然科学基金青年项目(30770715) :“汉语书写的认知机制:一项多途径研究”,主持人:韩在柱。

7. 2008-2010,美国NSF.R21(3014195): Distributed Phonetic Representations in the Brain. (PI: Jason Zevin)。



    《词汇阅读的计算机模拟》,陕西师范大学出版社. 2016.9      



     1) 评审专家:国家自然科学基金委项目        

    2) 期刊编辑:《Frontiers in PsychologyReview Editor      

    3) 审稿人:Cerebral Cortex》《Human Brain Mapping》《Neuropsychologia》《Cognitive Science》《Journal of Neurolinguistics》《Bilingualism: Language and Cognition》《Plos ONE》《Frontiers in Human Neuroscience》《心理学报》《心理科学进展》        









