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发布时间 :2009-11-25点击量:

为了活跃我校学术气氛,增强我校研究生综合素质,帮助研究生适应教育信息化发展的趋势,及时了解和掌握国际最新的教育理念和教育思想,应陕西师范大学研究生会的邀请,香港教育学院Stella Kong 教授和 Philip Hoare教授将做客“曲江讲坛”,于 20091128日(周六)1500在我校长安校区图书馆一层报告厅做关于课堂质化研究的精彩学术报告,欢迎广大师生踊跃参加。


报告题目:Classroom Qualitative Research


Philips Hoare & Stella Kong教授




Philips Hoare & Stella Kong教授简介:

Dr Philip Hoare and Dr Stella Kong are both associate professors in the English Department of the Hong Kong Institute of Education where they train English teachers for Hong Kong schools.  Dr Philip Hoare graduated in Great Britain and did postgraduate study in Great Britain and Hong Kong.  Dr Stella Kong graduated and did postgraduate study in Hong Kong.  Their current research interests are in the area of content-based language teaching and are now engaged in a research project into the effectiveness of this approach in middle schools in Xi’an.  They have published in the area of content-based language teaching in international journals.