

2003Ph.D., Xi'an Modern Chemistry Research Institute                                                                                                      


2004-2008Associate Professor, Xi'an Modern Chemistry Research Institute       


2005-2008Post-doc., Yamaguchi University, Japan                                            


Associate Professor, Shaanxi Normal University (2008-2010)

Proffessor, Shaanxi Normal University (2010-)


E-mail: chenxinbing@snnu.edu.cn





[1] 陕西省中青年科技创新领军人才(2017),陕西省科技厅。

[2] 陕西青年科技奖获得者(2016),陕西省委组织部、陕西省人力资源和社会保障厅、陕西省科学技术协会。

[3] 教书育人先进个人(2015-2016学年),陕西师范大学。

[4] 教学质量优秀奖(2014-2015学年),陕西师范大学。




[1] 陕西省科学技术奖一等奖(2015),新型能源功能材料技术的开发与应用, 陈新兵2/10)。

[2] 中国石油和化学工业联合会科学技术发明奖二等奖(2016),快速响应的宽温区液晶显示材料设计、合成及应用,陈新兵2/10)。

[3] 陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(2015),陈新兵2/10)。


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51773112),聚合物近晶相有序结构固化构筑阴离子膜及其微相分离对电导率的提升机制,2018/01-2021/1261万元(直接费用),在研,主持。

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51373092),高电导率稳定交联网络结构质子交换膜的制备及性能研究,2014/01-2017/1280万元,在研,主持。

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(50802058),极性芳杂环自组装新型液晶材料的合成与性能研究,2009/01-2011/1220万元,已结题,主持。

[4] 陕西省协同创新计划项目(2015XT-18),4-[2-(反式-4-烷基环己基)乙基]环己酮研制,2015/05-2016 /122万元,已结题,主持。

[5] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2014JM7270),多重作用力协同交联质子交换膜的设计合成及性能研究,2014/01-2015/123万元,已结题,主持。

[6] 西安市技术转移促进工程项目(CXY1430(2)),喹喔啉基供价离子协同交联聚合物电解质膜材料的研究及在燃料电池中的应用,2014/01-2015/126万元,已结题,主持。

[7] 陕西省青年科技新星项目(2014KJXX-80),陕西省青年高层次人才培养及梯队建设研究,2014/05 -2016/0610万元,已结题,主持。

[8] 陕西省科技攻关项目(2012K08-09),燃料电池层状聚合物电解质膜可控制备技术研究,2012/01 -2013/125万元,已结题,主持。

[9] 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,燃料电池用互穿网络聚合物质子交换膜材料的制备及性能,2010/01-2011/124万元,已结题,主持。

[10] 陕西省科技攻关项目(2009K06-08),互穿网络磺化聚合物质子膜材料的研究,2009/01-2011/126万元,已结题,主持。

[11] 企业委托项目, 环己烷类液晶中间体的研制(H771552),2012/06-2013/0540, 已结题,主持。


[1] 陈新兵,何富刚,陈沛,安忠维,二氟取代磺化单体及其制备方法,2016CN201410508174.9

[2] 陈新兵,石倩,陈沛,安忠维,侧链型二氟单体及其合成方法,2016CN201410508058.7

[3] 陈新兵,石倩,陈沛,安忠维,刷型二氟单体及其合成方法,2015CN201410508171.5

[4] 陈新兵,陈沛,安忠维,徐亦为,含氟苯并恶唑类液晶化合物的制备方法,2015CN201310226960.0

[5] 陈新兵,安忠维,陈沛,2,6-二氟苯偶酰及其制备方法和应用. 2012CN201010213538.2.



[48] D. Yuan, Y. Qin, S. Li, S. Du, Y. Xu, Q. Weng, P. Chen*, X. Chen*, Z. An. Improved performance of novel sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) copolymer via tethering densely sulfonated pendant groups. Journal of Power Sources, 2020. Online,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.229265.

[47] D. Yuan, Y. Qin, S. Li, S. Du, Y. Xu, Q. Weng, P. Chen*, X. Chen*, Z. An. Enhanced performance of proton-conducting poly(arylene ether sulfone)s via multiple alkylsulfonated side-chains and block copolymer structures. Journal of Membrane Science, 2020. Online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2020.118932.

[46] M. Zhang, S. Du, D. Yuan, P. Chen*, G. Liu, J. Dang, X. Chen*, Z. An. Benzoxazole-based nematic liquid crystals containing ethynyl and two lateral fluorine atoms with large birefringence. Liquid Crystals, 2020. Online, https://doi.org/10.1080/ 02678292.2020.1768449.

[45] M. Zhang, Y. Sun, S. Du, D. Yuan, P. Chen*, G. Liu, J. Dang, X. Chen*, Z. An. Mesomorphic properties improved via lateral fluorine substituent on benzoxazole-terminated mesogenic compounds. Liquid Crystals, 2020. Online, https://doi.org/ 10.1080/02678292.2020.1747647.

[44] G. Liu, L. Ren, M. Zhang, S. Du, P. Chen*, A. Gao, X. Chen*, Z. An. Synthesis and properties of benzoxazole-based liquid crystals containing ethynyl group. Liquid Crystals, 2020. Online, https://doi.org/10.1080/02678292.2020.1721582.

[43] Y. Wang, P. Chen, Q. Weng, X. Chen, Z. An. Quinoxaline-based semi-interpenetrating polymer network of sulfonated poly(arylene ether)s and sulfonated polyimides as proton exchange membranes. Polymer Bulletin, 2020, online, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00289-020-03320-2.

[42] S. Du, M. Zhang, P. Chen*, J. Dang, A. Gao, W. Du, X. Chen*, Z. An. Improved mesomorphic behaviour and large birefringence of fluorinated liquid crystals containing ethynyl and 1-methyl-1H-benzimidazole moieties. Liquid Crystals, 2020, 47(9): 1264-1273.

[41] K. Hu, Q. Weng, R. Chen, J. Li, D. Shi, P. Chen*, A. Gao, X. Chen*Z. An. Benzoxazole-terminated liquid crystals with high birefringence and large dielectric anisotropy. Liquid Crystals, 2020, 47(9): 1274-1280.

[40] J. Dang, S. Du, L. Ren, M. Zhang, P. Chen*, A. Gao, W. Du, X. Chen*, Z. An. Preparation and properties of 1-methyl-1H-benzimidazole-based mesogenic compounds incorporating ethynyl moiety. Liquid Crystals, 2020, 47(9): 1281-1290.

[39] N. Jia, J. Liu, Y. Liu, L. Wang, P. Chen*, Z. An, X. Chen*, Y. Chen. In situ conversion of iron sulfide (FeS) to iron oxyhydroxide (γ-FeOOH) on N, S co-doped porous carbon nanosheets: An efficient electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction and zinc–air batteries. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 558, 323-333.

[38] N. Jia, T. Yang, S. Shi, X. Chen*, Z. An, Y. Chen*, S. Yin, P. Chen*. N,F-Codoped carbon nanocages: an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen peroxide electroproduction in alkaline and acidic solutions. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 7, 2883–2891.

[37] S. Wang, F. He, Q. Weng, D. Yuan, P. Chen*, X. Chen*, Z. An. Synthesis and characterization of novel crosslinkable side-chain sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) copolymer proton exchange membranes. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(42), 24772-24783.

[36] F. He, S. Wang, D. Yuan, Q. Weng, P. Chen*, X. Chen*, Z. An. Crosslinked poly(arylene ether sulfone) block copolymers containing quinoxaline crosslinkage and pendant butanesulfonic acid groups as proton exchange membranes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(46), 25262-25275.


[35] L. Ren, L. Duan, Q. Weng, P. Chen, A. Gao, X. Chen*, Z. An. Synthesis and study the liquid crystalline properties of compounds containing benzoxazole core and terminal vinyl group. Liquid Crystals, 2019, 46 (5): 797-805.

[34] L. Ren, L. Duan, Q. Weng, P. Chen, Y. Hou, A. Gao, X. Chen*, Z. An. Preparation and mesomorphic properties of 1-methyl-1H-benzimidazole-based compounds. Liquid Crystals, 2019, 46 (1): 131-137.

[33] Q. Weng, L. Duan, P. Chen, A. Gao, X. Chen*, Z. An. Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of the nematic mesophase benzoxazole derivatives with big twist angle of difluoro-biphenyl unit[J]. Liquid Crystals, 2019, 46 (7): 1013-1023.

[32] Q. Weng, L. Duan, P. Chen, D. Shi, A. Gao, X. Chen*, Z. An. Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of benzoxazole derivatives with lateral multifluoro substituents. Liquid Crystals, 2019, 46 (1): 59-66.

[31] N. Jia, Y. Liu, L. Wang, P. Chen*, X. Chen*, Z. An, Y. Chen.0.2 V Electrolysis voltage-driven alkaline hydrogen production with nitrogen-doped carbon nanobowl-supported ultrafine Rh nanoparticles of 1.4 nm. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2019, 11(38), 35039-35049.

[30] N. Jia, J. Liu, Y. Gao, P. Chen*, X. Chen*, Z. An, X. Li, Y. Chen. Graphene‐encapsulated Co9S8 nanoparticles on N,S‐codoped carbon nanotubes: an efficient bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst. ChemSusChem, 2019, 12(14), 3390-3400.


[29] X. Zhang, S. Li, P. Chen, J. Fang, Q. Shi, Q. Weng, X. Luo, X. Chen*, Z. An. Imidazolium functionalized block copolymer anion exchange membrane with enhanced hydroxide conductivity and alkaline stability via tailoring side chains. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43 (7): 3716-3730.

[28] X. Zhang, Q. Shi, P. Chen, J. Zhou, S. Li, H. Xu, X. Chen*, Z. An. Block poly(arylene ether sulfone) copolymers tethering aromatic side-chain quaternary ammonium as anion exchange membranes. Polymer Chemistry, 2018, 9 (6): 699-711.

[27] N. Jia, Q. Xu, F. Zhao, H. Gao, J. Song, P. Chen*, Z. An, X. Chen*, Y. Chen. Fe/N codoped carbon nanocages with single-atom feature as efficient oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalyst. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, 1 (9), 4982-4990.


[26] F. Gong, R. Wang, X. Chen*, P. Chen, Z. An, S. Zhang. Facile synthesis and the properties of novel cardo poly(arylene ether sulfone)s with pendent cycloaminium side chains as anion exchange membranes. Polymer Chemistry. 2017, 8(29): 4207-4219.

[25] L. Duan, D. Shi, P. Chen, K. Hu, L. Ren, X. Chen*, Z. An. Preparation and properties of laterally multifluorinated benzoxazole-based nematic mesogens. Liquid Crystals, 2017, 44 (11): 1686-1694.

[24] L. Duan, D. Shi, P. Chen, L. Zhang, L. Ren, X. Chen*, Z. An. Preparation and characterisation of laterally monofluorinated mesogenic benzimidazole-based compounds. Liquid Crystals, 2017, 44 (11): 1678-1685.

[23] Q. Shi, P. Chen, X. Zhang, Q. Weng, X. Chen*, Z. An. Synthesis and properties of poly(arylene ether sulfone) anion exchange membranes with pendant benzyl-quaternary ammonium groups. Polymer, 2017, 121 137-148.

[22] Q. Shi, P. Chen, J. Zhou, Q. Weng, X. Zhang, X. Chen*, Z. An. Poly(arylene ether sulfone) bearing multiple benzyl-type quaternary ammonium pendants: preparation, stability and conductivity. RSC Advances, 2017, 7 (49): 30770-30783.

[21] X. Zhang, P. Chen, Q. Shi, S. Li, F. Gong, X. Chen*, Z. An. Block poly(arylene ether sulfone) copolymers bearing quaterinized aromatic pendants: Synthesis, property and stability. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42 (42): 26320-26332.

[20] J. Zhou, P. Chen, Q. Shi, R. Wang, X. Chen*, Z. An. Cross-linked poly(arylene ether sulfone)s with side-chain aromatic benzyltrimethyl ammonium for anion-exchange membranes. Polymer Bulletin, 2017, 74 (10): 4329-4348.


[19] D. Shi, K. Hu, P. Chen*, W. Du, A. Gao, R. Chen, X. Chen*, Z. An. Improved nematic mesophase stability of benzoxazole-liquid crystals via modification of inter-ring twist angle of biphenyl unit. Liquid Crystals, 2016, 43 (10): 1397-1407.

[18] D. Shi, K. Hu, P. Chen*, A. Gao, W. Du, R. Chen, X. Chen*, Z. An. Nematic mesophase enhanced via lateral monofluorine substitution on benzoxazole-liquid crystals. Liquid Crystals, 2016, 43 (10): 1341-1350.

[17] J. Zhou, P. Chen*, Q. Weng, J. Fang, X. Chen*, Z. An. Phenolate anion-based branched/cross-linked poly (arylene ether sulfone) hydroxide exchange membranes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41 (13): 5765-5775.


[16] K. Hu, P. Chen, X. Chen*, Z. An. Synthesis and characterization of mesogenic compounds possessing bithiophene and benzoxazole units. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2015, 608 (1): 25-37.

[15] K. Hu, P. Chen*, Q. Weng, D. Shi, R. Chen, X. Chen*, Z. An. Preparation and properties of lateral monofluoro-substituted benzoxazole-based mesogenic compounds. Liquid Crystals, 2015, 42 (11): 1571-1579.

[14] K. Hu, P. Chen*, Q. Weng, D. Shi, R. Chen, X. Chen*, Z. An. Improved mesophase stability of benzoxazole derivatives via dipole moment modification. Liquid Crystals, 2015, 42 (11): 1643-1653.


[13] K. Hu, Y. Xu, P. Chen*, A. Gao, W. Du, X. Chen*, Z. An. Synthesis and characterisation of benzoxazole-based liquid crystals possessing 3,5-difluorophenyl unit. Liquid Crystals, 2014, 41 (10): 1455-1464.

[12] Y. Xu, K. Hu, P. Chen*, A. Gao, W. Du, X. Chen*, Z. An. Synthesis and properties of mesogenic laterally fluorinated compounds containing benzoxazole unit. Liquid Crystals, 2014, 41 (7): 1042-1056.


[11] Y. Xu, X. Chen*, F. Zhao, X. Fan, P. Chen, Z. An. Synthesis and properties of substituted benzoxazole-terminated liquid crystals. Liquid Crystals, 2013, 40 (2): 197-215.

[10] L. Zhang, X. Chen*, F. Zhao, X. Fan, P. Chen, Z. An. Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of 2-(4′-alkoxybiphenyl-4-yl)-1H-benzimidazole derivatives. Liquid Crystals, 2013, 40 (3): 396-410.


[9] P. Chen, X. Chen*, Z. An. Covalent-ionically crosslinked sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone)s bearing quinoxaline crosslinkages as proton exchange membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 124 (S1): E278-E289.

[8] P. Chen, X. Chen*, Z. An. Covalently and ionically crosslinked sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone)s as proton exchange membranes. Polymer Bulletin, 2012, 68 (5): 1369-1386.


[7] P. Chen, X. Chen*, Z. An, K. Chen, K. Okamoto*. Quinoxaline-based crosslinked membranes of sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone)s for fuel cell applications. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36 (19): 12406-12416.

[6] X. Chen*, P. Chen, Z. An, K. Chen, K. Okamoto*. Crosslinked sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone) membranes bearing quinoxaline and acid–base complex cross-linkages for fuel cell applications. Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196 (4): 1694-1703.


[5] X. Chen, K. Chen, P. Chen, M. Higa, K. Okamoto*, T. Hirano. Effects of tetracarboxylic dianhydrides on the properties of sulfonated polyimides. Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2010, 48 (4): 905-915.

[4] Li, Yan , Chen, Xinbing , Chen, Pei , An, Zhongwei and Li, Juan 'Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of 7-alkoxybezopyrano[2,3-c]pyrazol-3-one', Liquid Crystals, 2010, 37(12): 1549-1557.

[3] X. Chen*, P. Chen, K.-I. Okamoto. Synthesis and properties of sulfonated poly(siloxane imide)s bearing dimethyl siloxane oligomers for fuel cell applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2009, 112 (6): 3560-3568.

[2] X. Chen*, P. Chen, K.-I. Okamoto*. Synthesis and properties of novel side-chain-type sulfonated polyimides. Polymer Bulletin, 2009, 63 (1): 1-14.

[1] X. Chen, Y. Yin, P. Chen, H. Kita, K.-I. Okamoto*, Synthesis and properties of novel sulfonated polyimides derived from naphthalenic dianhydride for fuel cell application. Journal of Membrane Science, 2008, 313: 106–119.


[1] Xinbing Chen, Chapter 3: Sulfonated Polyimide Membranes, "Electrochemical Polymer Electrolyte Membranes", pp 109-132, Editor: Jianhua Fang, Jinli Qiao, David P. Wilkinson and Jiujun Zhang, Publisher: CRC, Boca Raton, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8147-0.


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