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发布日期:2018-01-18 作者: 来源: 点击:










马丽滨,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国昆虫学会科普工作委员会委员、中国昆虫学会直翅类专业委员会委员,陕西省昆虫学会副秘书长。本科、硕士就读于陕西师范大学,获理学学士和硕士学位。博士就读于西北农林科技大学,获农学博士学位。2011年7月起于东北师范大学任专任教师,讲授(指导)《动物学》、《动物学实验》、《动物学野外实习》等课程,参与“中小学教师国家级培训计划”相关课程的讲授。至2014年12月调至陕西师范大学,从事动物学相关的教学和科研工作。期间,于2015年至2017年受国家公派,在密歇根大学从事博士后研究。目前讲授(指导)本科《动物学》、《动物学实验》、《动物学野外实习》、《动物分类与系统演化》、《昆虫世界与人类社会》和《宠物鉴赏与驯养》,研究生《昆虫分类学》等课程。截止2024年四月,主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,参与国家自然科学基金项目5项,主持或参与其他省级、校级项目若干;主编(含独著)和参编教材及科研著作5部;发表学术论文80余篇;担任Evolution、Systematic Entomology、昆虫分类学报、Zoologischer Anzerger、Zookeys和Sientific reports等刊物审稿人。


斗蟋蟀应该很多人都听说过,甚至浏览本页的读者中也不乏斗蟋蟀的行家里手。在斗蟋交易赏玩的地方,也有很多鸣虫生意,这些鸣虫中除少数螽斯外,绝大多数仍然属于蟋蟀。斗蟋和鸣虫是构成中国,乃至东亚、东南亚昆虫文化的重要组成部分,其历史可以追溯至早唐时期,兴盛而源远流长,以至于这种文化载体之一的中华斗蟋Velarifictorus micado (Saussure, 1877)随中国的昆虫文化一起从亚洲入侵至北美,让它们在美国形成了稳定的野生种群。


蟋蟀是一个庞大的动物类群,全世界目前记载六千多种(含化石)。那些与斗蟋相伴于郊野田间的各种黑乎乎的地栖类蟋蟀仅仅代表了它们之中的一小部分。这些蟋蟀多是蟋蟀亚科Gryllinae的物种,除此之外,还有30多亚科同是昆虫纲Insecta直翅目Orthoptera螽亚目Ensifera蟋蟀次目Gryllidea的昆虫。蟋蟀次目包括蟋蟀Grylloidea、蝼蛄两总科Gryllotalpoidea,包含蟋蟀Gryllinae、癞蟋Mogoplistidae、蛛蟋Phalangopsidae、蛉蟋Trigonidiidae、蝼蛄Gryllotalpidae、蚁蟋Myrmecophilidae、外贝加尔蟋†Baissogryllidae和古蟋†Protogryllidae八科。其中,蟋蟀科最为常见,我们常说的斗蟋Velarifictorus、油葫芦Teleogryllus、棺材板Loxoblemmus、金钟Truljalia和竹蛉Oecanthus等都属于此。癞蟋很特别,我们知道蝴蝶和扑棱蛾子身上都有鳞粉,尤其晚上在灯前捉过蛾子的人都知道那东西会弄人一手的粉末,而癞蟋正是一种与蝴蝶一样,满身鳞粉的蟋蟀,故此,这类蟋蟀也唤作“鳞蟋”。蛛蟋科物种在中国分布不多,常见的种类有马蛉Meloimorpha和电报蛉Cacoplistes,以及锤亮蟋Vescelia、镰亮蟋Trellius和戈蟋Gorochovius的物种。蛉蟋是一类体型娇小的蟋蟀类群,诸如金铃Svistella bifasciata、墨蛉Homoeoxipha和草蛉Nemobiinae都属于这类蟋蟀。它们大体分作两类,一类属于蛉蟋亚科Trigonidiinae,生活于植物的枝叶上,以其为食、以其为“穴”,它们脚上密集的毛被可以使其轻松倒挂于光滑的界面上;另一类是针蟋亚科Nemobiinae,生活地表,草丛落叶之中,它们的足型简单,不具登房上瓦的技能。蝼蛄,有些地方称作蝲蝲蛄、土狗子,适于地下生活,它们的体形特化为梭形,前足特化为专攻挖土打洞的开掘足型。蚁蟋也是蟋蟀中十分特别的存在,它们是最小的蟋蟀,体长不超过三毫米,而形态上又与蟋蟀相去甚远。蚁蟋寄生于蚂蚁巢穴,能够以气味迷惑蚂蚁,潜伏于蚁穴,并以蚂蚁卵或幼虫为食。






















3.Crickets of subfamily Nemobiinae Saussure, 1877 (Orthoptera: Grylloidea; Trigonidiidae) from China with descriptions of new genera and new species, 2021, Magnolia Press (Auckland),主编




1. Jing, X., Liu, X.-Z., Yuan, H., Dai, Y., Zheng, Y.-N., Zhao, L.-N., Ma, L.-B.*, Huang, Y.* 2024. Evolutionary dynamics of genome size and transposable elements in crickets (Ensifera: Gryllidea). Systematic Entomology, 1–16. doi.org/10.1111/syen.12629

2. Gu, J.-J.#*, Yuan, W.#, Ma, L.-B.#, Nel, A., Xu, Z.-Q., Wang, N., Jiang, C., Ren, D.*, Yue, Y.* 2023. More than a name: Mid-Cretaceous amber fossils link crickets and mole crickets (Orthoptera, Ensifera). Systematic Entomology, 1–17. doi.org/10.1111/syen.12621

3. Wu, Q., Zhang, T., Ma, L.B.* 2023. A morphological study of the ovipositor of the genus Capillogryllus Xie, Zheng & Liang, 2003 with a new species of the genus from China (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Gryllinae).Zootaxa, 5383 (3): 391–397.

4. Jia, J.X., Wei, Z.M.*, Ma, L.B.* 2023. Ultrastructural observation of digestive tract and the adaptative characteristics of dietary habits for ground-dwelling and omnivorous insects.Zootaxa, 5380 (1): 056–066.

5. Dai, J.H., Wang, R., Jing, K.*, Ma, L.B.* 2023. Redescription of bothGoniogryllus bistriatus Wu & Wang, 1992 and Callogryllus yunnanus Wu & Zheng, 1992 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae, Gryllinae).Zootaxa, 5375 (4): 582–588.

6. Wang, R., Yuan, W., Zheng, Y.-N., Gu, J.J.* & Ma, L.B.* 2023.Pteronemobius yuani Ma & Wang sp. nov. and Metiochodes tianfuensis Ma, Yuan & Gu sp. nov., new species of Trigonidiidae from China (Orthoptera: Trigonidiidae; Trigonidiinae).Zootaxa,5361(4): 573–578.

7. Wang, N., Huang, H., Ma, L.B.* 2023. Redescription of two species and a new distribution record for China of the genus Melanogryllus Chopard, 1961 and a report of one new species of the genus Velarifictorus Randell, 1964 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Gryllinae).Zootaxa,5360(2): 269–278.

8. Wang, N., Che, Z.Y., Ma, L.B.* 2023.Ornebius exserolimbus Wang & Ma, sp. nov., a new species of Ornebius (Orthoptera: Mogoplistidae; Mogoplistinae) from China.Zootaxa,5353(1): 075-081.

9. Zheng, Y.N., Gu, J.J., He, Z.Q., Huang, H.*, Ma, L.B.* 2023. On a taxonomic feature that has been overestimated in classification practice: an integrative taxonomic revision of Stephoblemmus Saussure, 1877 based on morphology and molecular phylogeny (Orthoptera: Grylloidea; Gryllidae; Gryllinae).Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, 81: 761-779.

10. Wang, R., Ma, L.B.* 2023.Polionemobius gyirongensis sp. nov. from Tibet, China, and the identification of the species Polionemobius ebony Wu & Ma, 2022 and its close relative (Orthoptera: Trigonidiidae; Nemobiinae). Zootaxa,5339(4): 390-396.

11. Wu, Q., Ma, L.B.* 2023. Redescription of two species of Capillogryllus Xie, Zheng & Liang, 2003, with a new species from China (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Gryllinae).Zootaxa,5336(1): 135-140.

12. Yuan, W., Ma, L.B.* & Gu, J.J. 2023. A new genus and a new species of Trigonidiidae (Orthoptera: Grylloidea) from north Myanmar amber.Zootaxa,5330(1): 141-146.

13. Wu, Q., Guo, R.H., Ma, L.B.* 2023. Taxonomic study of species of tribe Aphonoidini Gorochov, 2008 (Orthoptera: Oecanthidae) based on ovipositor morphology in China.Zoologischer Anzeiger, 304:113-121.

14. Wu, Q., Ma, L.B.* 2022. A new species of pygmy crickets and synonyms of a genus and a species of sword-tail crickets (Orthoptera: Trigonidiidae: Nemobiinae and Trigonidiinae) from China.Zootaxa,5213(2): 169-176.

15. Wang, N., Huang, H.T.* & Ma, L.B.* 2022. The intraspecific variation of morphology and coloration of field crickets: a taxonomic revision of Chinese Gymnogryllus Saussure, 1877 and Phonarellus Gorochov, 1983 (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Gryllini).Zookeys, 1129: 85-107.

16. Wang, B.#, Ma, L.B.#, Pan, B., Dong, Y.Y., Huang, J.F., Peng, Y.Q. 2022. Spatial variation in ant–tree bipartite networks is driven by a bottom-up process.Ecological Entomology, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1111/een.13189

17. Yuan, W., Zheng, C.J., Zheng, Y.N., Ma, L.B.* & Gu, J.J.* 2022. The oldest representatives of tree crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Oecanthinae) from northern Myanmar.Insects, 13 (619): 1-11.

18. Yuan, W., Zheng, Y.N., Ma, L.B.* & Gu, J.J.* 2022. New species of the genera Trigonidium Rambur, 1838 and Pteronemobius Jacobson, 1904 from China (Orthoptera: Grylloidea; Trigonidiidae; Trigonidiinae and Nemobiinae).Zootaxa, 5162 (5): 593–600.

19. He, Z.X., Wang, N., Huang, H.T. & Ma, L.B.* 2022.Two new species of ground crickets (Orthoptera: Trigonidiidae; Nemobiinae) from China. Zootaxa, 5092 (4): 473–479.

20. He, Z.X., Wu, Q. & Ma, L.B.* 2022.A new genus and two new species of Swordtail Crickets (Orthoptera: Trigonidiidae; Trigonidiinae) from China.Zootaxa, 5124 (5): 585–593.

21. Yuan, W., Ma, L.B.* & Gu, J.J.* 2022.A new species of Mitius Gorochov, 1985 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Gryllinae) from China.Zootaxa, 5129 (4): 596–600.

22. He, Z.X., Ma, L.B.*, Zhang, T & Miao, X.L. 2022.Flospes gen. nov. (Orthoptera, Trigonidiidae, Trigonidiinae), a genus of swordtail crickets from China, with two new species and new combinations.Zookeys, 1090: 113–128.

23. Zheng, Y.N., Cai, X.R. & Ma, L.B.* 2022. Taxonomy of Landrevus species group of Velarifictorus Randell, 1964 (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Gryllinae) with one new species and morphological diversity of Velarifictorus flavifrons Chopard, 1966.Zookeys, 1084:101–117.

24. He, Z.X. & Ma, L.B.* 2021. Two new species of cricket genus Anaxiphomorpha Gorochov, 1987 (Orthoptera, Trigonidiidae, Trigonidiinae) in China.Zookeys, 1073(2): 13–20.

25. Ma, L.B.*, Jing, X & Zheng, Y.N. 2021. Integrative taxonomy base on morphology and molecular phylogeny with description of a new genus,Progoniogryllus gen. nov. and two new species (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae; Gryllinae).Zootaxa, 4995(3): 523–536.

26. Zheng, Y.N., Xin, Z.X., Xie, L.D. & Ma, L.B.* 2021. Revision of the cricket subfamily Podoscirtinae Saussure, 1878 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from China.Zootaxa, 4995(3): 401–424.

27. Ma, L.B.*, Zheng, Y.N. & Qiao, M. 2021. Revision of Chinese crickets of the tribe Modicogryllini Otte & Alexander, 1983 with notes on relevant taxa (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Gryllinae).Zootaxa, 4990(2): 227–252.

28. He, Z.X., Ma, G., Zhang, T. & Ma, L.B.* 2021. First report of the genus Rhicnogryllus Chopard, 1925 (Orthoptera: Trigonidiidae; Trigonidiinae) in China with description of a new species.Zootaxa, 4950(3): 589–594.

29. He, Z.X. & Ma, L.B.* 2021. Crickets of the subfamily Itarinae Shiraki, 1930 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from China with description of a new species and distribution and critical notes on other species.Zootaxa, 4942(3): 382–408.

30. Zheng, Y.N. & Ma, L.B.* 2021. Taxonomy of the genus Duolandrevus Kirby, 1906 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Landrevinae) from China with a new species of the subgenus Eulandrevus Gorochov, 1988.Zootaxa, 4942(2): 252–268.

31. He, Z.X., Ma, G., Long, J.F., Wang, Y., Zhang, T. & Ma, L.B.* 2021. Taxonomy of scaly crickets (Orthoptera: Mogoplistidae: Mogoplistinae) from China: five new species groups and three new species of the genus Ornebius Guérin-Méneville, 1844.Zootaxa, 4942(1): 72–94.

32. He, Z.X., Zhang, T., Xie, W.L., Li, L. & Ma, L.B.* 2021. A new genus of Podoscirtini with one new species from Guangxi, China (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Podoscirtinae).Zootaxa, 4920(3): 445–450.

33. Qiao, M., Zhang, T., Wang, Y. & Ma, L.B.* 2020. A new species of Loxoblemmus Saussure, 1877 and a new distribution record of the genus Stephoblemmus Saussure, 1877 from China (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Gryllinae).Zootaxa, 4732(3): 481–487.

34. Ma, L.B.* & Ma, G. 2019. The second species of the genus Gorochovius Xie, Zheng & Li, 2004 (Orthoptera: Phalangopsidae: Phaloriinae) discovered from China.Zootaxa, 4671(2): 259–266.

35. Ma, L.B. 2019. Nomenclatural problems in the article ‘new species of the Latithorax Species Group of Velarifictorus Randell, 1964 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Gryllinae) from China’.Zootaxa, 4646(3): 591.

36. Ma, L.B.* & Pan, Z.H. 2019. New taxa of Trigonidiini (Orthoptera: Grylloidae: Trigonidiinae) from China.Zootaxa, 4619(3): 563–570.

37. Ma, L.B.*, Jing, X. & Zhang, T. 2019. A new species and synonym of Svistella Gorochov, 1987 (Orthoptera: Trigonidiidae: Trigonidiinae) from China.Zootaxa, 4619(3): 595–600.

38. Ma, L.B. 2019. New species of the Latithorax Species Group of Velarifictorus Randell, 1964 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Gryllinae) from China.Zootaxa, 4612(2): 282–288.

39. Ma, L.B.*, Qiao, M. & Zhang, T. 2019. A new species of Velarifictorus Randell, 1964 (Orthoptera: Gryllinae: Modicogryllini) bearing similarities to the Landrevinae from China.Zootaxa, 4612(1): 103–108.