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学  位:博士

 邮        箱:wangleiml@snnu.edu.cn




2010/08-2011/09, 赴美国斯坦福大学从事博士后研究


1999/09-2002/06, 西安交通大学,经济与金融学院,硕士



2006/07至今 陕西师范大学,国际商学院金融系 教授

2009-2016, 陕西师范大学,国际交流与合作处 副处长



1. Lei Wang, Conghong Yang, Dingding Jiang, Siqi Zhang, Qi Jiang, & Scott Rozelle. (2022). Impact of Parental Beliefs on Child Developmental Outcomes: A Quasi-Experiment in Rural China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), 7240.

2. Lei Wang, Yifei Chen, Siqi Zhang, & Scott Rozelle. (2022). Paths of social-emotional development before 3 years old and child development after 5 years old: Evidence from rural China. Early Human Development, 165,105539.

3. Lei Wang, Yue Xian, Sarah-Eve Dill, Zhenni Fang, Dorien Emmers, Siqi Zhang, & Scott Rozelle. (2022). Parenting style and the cognitive development of preschool-aged children: Evidence from rural China. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 223, 105490.

4. Lei Wang*, Ting Wang, Hui Li, Kaiwen Guo, Siqi Zhang, & Scott Rozelle. (2022). Parental Self-Perception, Parental Investment, and Early Childhood Developmental Outcomes: Evidence from Rural China. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.

5. Yu Bai, Ning Yang, Lei Wang*, Siqi Zhang. (2022). The impacts of maternal migration on the cognitive development of preschool-aged children left behind in rural China. World Development, 158, 106007.

6. Lei Wang*, Hui Li, Sarah-Eve Dill, Siqi Zhang, & Scott Rozelle. (2022). Does parental involvement matter for early childhood development in rural China? Applied Developmental Science, 26(4), 741-765.

7.Yu Bai, Buyao Liu, Lei Wang*, Mengjie Li, Siqi Zhang, Ruirui Dang, Lijuan Zheng, Ning Yang, & Chuyu Song. (2021). Parenting practices and cognitive development of preschool-aged children: evidence from rural China. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30, 2980-2991.

8. Dorien Emmers, Qi Jiang, …, Lei Wang, et al. (2021). Early childhood development and parental training interventions in rural China: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Global Health, 6: e005578.

9. Siqi Zhang, Lei Wang*, Yue Xian, and Yu Bai. (2021). Mental health issues among caregivers of young children in rural China: prevalence, risk factors, and links to child developmental outcomes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 197.

10. Lei Wang*, Yifei Chen, Sean Sylvia, Sarah-Eve, & Scott Rozelle. (2021). Trajectories of child cognitive development during ages 0-3 in rural Western China: prevalence, risk factors and links to preschool-age cognition, BMC Pediatrics, 21(1), 1-12.

11. Lei Wang, Ruirui Dang, Yu Bai, Siqi Zhang, Buyao Liu, Lijuan Zheng, Ning Yang, & Chuyu Song. (2020). Teacher qualifications and development outcomes of preschool children in rural China. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 53, 355-369.

12. Jingchun Nie, Xiaopeng Pang, Lei Wang*, Sean Sylvia, & Scott Rozelle. (2020). Seeing is believing: Experimental evidence on the impact of eyeglasses on academic performance, aspiration and dropout among junior high school students in rural China. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 68(2), 335-355.

13. Lei Wang*, Wilson Liang, Siqi Zhang, Laura Jonsson, Mengjie Li, Cordelia Yu, Yonglei Sun, Qingrui Ma, Yu Bai, Cody Abbey, Renfu Luo, Ai Yue, & Scott Rozelle. (2019). Are Infant/toddler development delays a problem across rural China? Journal of Comparative Economics, 47(2), 458-469.

14. Lei Wang, Zheng Yaojia, Guirong Li, Yanyan Li, Zhenni Fang, Cody Abbey, & Scott Rozelle. (2019). Academic achievement and mental health of left-behind children in rural China: a causal study on parental migration. China Agricultural Economic Review, 11(4), 569-582.

15. Lei Wang, Mengjie Li, Sarah-Eve, Yiwei Hu, & Scott Rozelle. (2019). Dynamic anemia status from infancy to preschool-age: evidence from rural China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 2761.

16.Yu Bai, Siqi Zhang, Lei Wang*, Ruirui Dang, Cody Abbey, & Scott Rozelle. (2019). Past successes and future challenges in rural China’s human capital. Journal of Contemporary China, 28(120), 883-898.

17. Lei Wang, Nathan Condon, Ruth E. Hogg, Siqi Zhang, Mengjie Li, Yaojiang Shi, Ling Jin, Fei He, Huan Wang, Matthew Boswell, & Mony Iyer. (2019). The effectiveness of alternative vision screening models among preschool children in rural China. Acta Ophthalmologica, 97(3), e419-e425.

18.Lei Wang, Wenbin Min, Siqi Zhang, Yaojiang Shi, & Scott Rozelle. (2018). Math and Chinese language learning: Where are China’s vulnerable subpopulations? Asian Survey, 58(5), 797-821.

19. Lei Wang, Yonglei Sun, Buyao Liu, Lijuan Zhang, Mengjie Li, Yu Bai, Annie Osborn, Maggie Lee, Scott Rozelle. (2018). Is infant/toddler anemia a problem across rural China? A mixed-methods analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9), 1825.

20.Lei Wang*, Mengjie Li, Cody Abbey, & Scott Rozelle. (2018). Human capital and the middle income trap: how many of China’s youth are going to high school? The Developing Economics, 56(2), 82-103.

21. Lei Wang, Mengjie Li, Siqi Zhang, Yonglei Sun, Sean Sylvia, Enyan Yang, Guangrong Ma, Linxiu Zhang, Di Mo, & Scott Rozelle. (2018). Contract teachers and student achievement in rural China: evidence from class fixed effects. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 62(2), 299-322.

22.Lei Wang & Scott Rozelle. (2018). Ethnicity and MCH outcomes: widening gaps across time and space. The Lancet Global Health, 6(1), e2-e3

23.Yu Bai, Guanminjia Shang, Lei Wang*, Yonglei Sun, Annie Osborn, Scott Rozelle. (2018). The relationship between birth season and early childhood development: evidence from northwest rural China. PlosOne, 13(10), e0205281.

24. Li Lili, Wang Lei*, Nie Jingchun. (2017). The effect of parental migration on the academic performance of left-behind middle school students in rural China. China & World Economy, 25(2), 45-59.

25. 王蕾,贤悦,张偲琪, 白钰,Dorian Emmers, Menno Pradham, Scott Rozelle. (2019). 中国农村儿童早期发展:政府投资的效益-成本分析,华东师范大学学报(教育科学版),37(3), 118-128

26. Norbort Schady, 贤悦,王蕾*,白钰. (2019). 儿童早期发展项目:拉丁美洲的实践和政策推广,华东师范大学学报(教育科学版),37(3), 149-156

27. 王蕾,管子慧,张偲琪,李梦婕. (2018). 中国普惠金融偶和协调关系及时空分异研究-来自省际面板数据的证据,软科学,32(7), 10-15.

28. 王蕾,张兵,仝宜. (2017). 众筹存在空间集聚性吗?经济经纬,34(3), 7-12.

29. 王蕾,张兵,李橙. (2016). 我国质押式回购利率波动影响因素研究,财务与金融, (5), 5-10.

30. 王蕾,赵小莉. (2015). 新常态下高管薪酬与银行绩效的关系研究,企业经济, (8), 179-183.

31. 王蕾,仝宜. (2015). 美国三方回购市场:机制、系统性风险与监管,河北经贸大学学报,36(5), 76-80.

32. 王蕾,张婧婕,陈霄. (2015). 影子银行、中小企业融资与深化金融改革,华东经济管理,29(4),  102-108.

33. 王蕾,冯倩楠. (2015). 利率市场化、国债期货价格发现与风险规避功能,金融论坛,(4), 36-45.

34. 王蕾,卫文斐,李举超. (2013). 个人客户采纳手机银行的影响因素,金融论坛,18(11), 73-79

35. 王蕾,李晓娟. (2012). 人民币汇率与股票市场收益率波动溢出效应研究,科学.经济.社会,(2), 45-54


1. 国家社会科学基金一般项目,17BJY201,基于三方回购机制的我国银行间债券市场制度创新及适用性研究,2017-2022,主持

2. 陕西师范大学教师教育研究专项,JSJY2017021,西部农村地区儿童早期发展对其幼儿入园选择的影响研究,2017-2018,主持

3. 国际合作项目,60085319,Seeing is Learning: Poor Vision in Rural China, 2012-2014,已结题,主持

4. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,10SZYB19,全球金融监管体系改革研究:以金融审慎监管为核心的均衡分析框架,2010-2013,主持

5. 西安市社科基金,金融危机对西安的影响及对策研究,2009-2010,主持


1. 尤金.法玛,《金融基础:证券资产组合和价格》(译著),格致出版社,2017.1

2. 达雷尔.达菲, 《公司违约风险测度》(译著),格致出版社,2014.10