2024年10月1日,澳大利亚工程院公布了新增工程院院士名单,来自新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales,QS19)化学系的赵川教授当选澳大利亚工程院院士。赵川教授是1996届陕西师范大学化学系本科毕业生,是澳洲八大名校联盟中首位华裔化学终身教授,曾获澳大利亚电化学会最高成就奖R. H. Stokes Medal。赵教授长期致力于电解水技术的突破,推动了澳大利亚的绿氢制造产业发展。他开创的高效、耐用的3D镍铁电极,用于工业级电解水制氢设备,已被作为制氢行业标杆,代表着澳大利亚零碳产氢的重大技术飞跃。赵教授还将其电化学方面的研究应用于石油化工中的水传感技术、耳蜗植入物和二氧化碳高附加值转化方面。赵教授现任皇家化学学会会士、澳洲皇家化学会会士和皇家澳大利亚电化学会会士。
On October 1, 2024, the Australian Academy of Technological Science & Engineering (ATSE) announced that Professor Zhao Chuan, from School of Chemistry at The University of New South Wales (QS 19), was elected as ATSE Fellow. Professor Chuan Zhao was graduated from the School of Chemistry at Shaanxi Normal University in 1996. He is the first Chinese tenured professor in The Eight Universities of Australian Universities Alliance. He received R. H. Stokes Medal, the highest achievement award from the Australian Institute of Electrical Engineering. Professor Chuan Zhao is supercharging Australia's green hydrogen capabilities with breakthrough water splitting electrode technology. After pioneering a 3D nickel-iron electrode - used to produce hydrogen from water - with exceptional durability and record-high efficiency, he oversaw its technical development through to commercialisation at a spin-out company. This 3D-electrode technology is now industry standard and represents a significant leap forward for zero-carbon hydrogen in Australia. Professor Zhao's electrochemistry innovations have also been applied in water-sensing technology for the petroleum industry, cochlear implants, and conversion of carbon dioxide into useful products. He holds multiple leadership positions and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, and the Royal Society of New South Wales.