The effects of the threecentury endurance of the Tang Dynasty on the ecological environment surrounding the capital Chang’an can be found by investigating the growth and decline of surrounding forests. The Tang Dynasty enjoyed varieties of timber supply, having both institutional specialsupervision supply and specialwood supply and non-institutional market supply and onthespot supply. The woodobtaining locations were scattered, some from Qishan and Longxian in the shade of the capital and the rest from faraway mountains and even Hubei and Guangxi. Moreover, the contradiction between supply and demand remained fierce owing to failure to meet with evergrowing demand. Finally, the administrative organs varied as time went by, the manufacturing department at the start but the capitalguard headquarters in later days. The evergrowing demand for timber in the capital challenged the dynasty’s timbersupply capacity, and the largequantity consumption of timber tested the supporting capacity of the ecological environment.