The Books of Sui and the Books of Jin were two biographical histories edited by government of the early Tang Dynasty. In the course of editing these two histories scholars of Shandong played a very important role. The reason was that Shangdong had always been a developed region to Chinese culture since the preQin days, which continued to grow despite the war turmoil during times of the Wei, the Jin, and the Southern and Northern Dynasties. In contrast, Chinese culture in southern and northwestern China was lagged behind Shandong for various reasons. As a result, the developed culture promoted academic development in Shandong, which in turn contributed the leadinglevel scholars who made considerable contributions to the edition of the Books of Sui and the Books of Jin.
history study in the Tang Dynasty; the Books of Sui; the Books of Jin; Scholars of Shandong * 本文前两节曾在中国地理语言学暨中日方言保存利用国际学术研讨会(2010年11月20-23日,北京语言大学)宣讲。后两节和附录曾在第二届国际西北方言与民俗学术研讨会(2006年7月21-24日,青海民族大学)宣讲。全文又在陕西师范大学讲授(2011年3月16-17日)。这期间,邢向东先生、孙立新先生、黑维强先生、侯精一先生和茹菲女士以及其他与会代表和同学们提供了许多方言材料和重要信息,谨向他们表示衷心的感谢。①本文尽量用汉语拼音标音,不得已的时候用国际音标。国际音标放在方括号内。②邢向东先生告诉我,陕北话将蟹摄一二等读ai、uai的,只有清涧、延川、吴堡一带。也就是陕北话中最土的一群,不包括新兴城市如榆林、绥德、神木等地。北宋和西夏对垒的时候,清涧是前线,所谓老种经略相公边地筑城,指的就是清涧(当时叫“青涧”,明代改今名)。延川在清涧县南,吴堡在清涧县东北。绥德历史悠久,但历史上治所迁徙不定,并屡陷于北方民族,北宋中期才从西夏手中夺回。榆林在明代还是军寨。