A New Research Perspective of Influencing Factors on Applicants’ Justice Perceptions
XU Jianping1, DU Yanting1, WU Lin1,2
(1 College of Psychology , Beijing Normal University , Beijing 100875; 2 the Guidance and Service Center for Students , Northeastern University , Shenyang 110819, Liaoning)
Justice perceptions are defined as applicants justice perceptions about the personnel selection. Critical influencing factors on applicants' justice perceptions in the organizational justice theoretical framework include preparations before the selection, the presentation of relevant information and materials, the content, style and administration method of selective tests, and selective decision, etc. On the other hand, justice expectations are applicants' expectations for the forthcoming personnel selection. In the first place, justice expectations are positively correlated with justice perceptions. Simultaneously, it is effective to enable higher applicants' justice perceptions through improving their justice expectations at an early stage of the selection process.
applicants; justice perceptions; justice expectations