The key of the integrated reform in the teacher education field is teacher-education integrated curriculum reform, so it must be based on the fundamental nature and purpose of teacher education and the basic requirements of modern education. Educational justice is the primary value of education and training teachers; it is related to the legitimacy of teacher training. Training teachers with high moral quality is not only the requirement of educational justice, but also the basic requirement of educational modernization. Professionalism education in teacher education and training teachers with professional quality and ability is the professional principle. It is also the fundamental goal and mission of teacher education. Autonomy is the essence of professionalism. Teachers with autonomy will display their enthusiasm and great creativity in education practice, and it reflects teachers’ high sense of efficacy. This is also the basic characteristics and requirements of modern people. Adhering to the principle of integration is to achieve the integration of education theory and practice, teaching tools and teaching content, preservice education and post-service education and other aspects, rather than being isolated and separated. Teachers can form teachers’ educational wisdom with integrated educational theory and practice, educational means and value, educational technology with content.