The cultivation of student key competence can’t do without subjects, and can’t do without class teaching activities of subjects. The 4 “Shengs” class is a class teaching activity mode that has animacy, growth, generativity and life quality, it is based on the inspiration of traditional life education thought, a reflection of realistic class teaching practice, criticism of various class teaching modes, and the cultivation of student’s key competence. Under the guidance of philosophical life theory and humanistic theory and the theory of life education, education teleology, the theory of education process, life education theory, theory of curriculum teaching and so on, based on the overall and whole process of class teaching, it is the breakthrough and transcendence of the research of teaching theory and practice of selfclass teaching. The student key competence focuses on student’s life, looking at student’s growth, pointing to process generation, and paying attention to real life, which has internal consistency with the 4 “Shengs” class.The cultivation of student key competence must be carried out through class teaching, it is the target task of class teaching in school.The 4 “Shengs” class model is the best way to cultivate student key competence and “a fully developed person”.The 4 “Shengs” class has a unique operation structure, teaching concept, teaching characteristics and practical strategy.