From ancient time up to now, the shape, structure and function of tablet inscriptions changed over time and there were a variety types of inscriptions. However, carving Chinese characters on a tablet will have a significant effect on the permanent maintenance of these Chinese characters. Ancient Chinese believed that the inscriptions’ functions consist of mainly four types. They are virtue description, achievement praise, events recording and speech recording. Besides, according to ancient texts such as the Xipingshijing(《熹平石经》), Zhengshishijing(《正始石经》),and Kaichengshijing(《开成石经》), the functions also include textual formulae and usage as religious texts. Meanwhile, since medieval times, tablet inscriptions became a type of widespread medium that can spread culture and religion. It can also expand the influence of literature and the maintenance of parental guidance from ancestors and family trees. The advantage of inscription is that all information about time and location can be recorded clearly clue. Moreover, the medium itself can be conserved for a long time even though some mistakes, such as variant forms of Chinese characters can be easily found. People now believe that tablet inscription has a cultural attribute and a natural attribute. The studies of inscription should contain philology, documentation, studies of history and museology. The inscription society will have a positive effect on developing and expanding Chinese traditional culture when it carries out research with other disciplines.