Imitation, a literary style, not only points to imitating ancient people, but also includes a literary style of imitating writers, especially friends in the same era. In the Tang Dynasty, Han Yu was a representative writer in this area. He used the skills to imitate Meng Jiao, Fan Zongshi, Liu Zongyuan and Lu Tong. This skill not only in poems, but also in essays, especially in inscriptions on the gravestones and prefaces. The imitation and imaginary means also generated a literary effect of dramatization and contextualization. The phenomenon of imitation not only appeared in Han Yu’s works, but also in Du Fu’s. They had some same characters. The classic status of “Du Fu’s Poems and Han Yu’s Essays” has a relationship of the phenomenon of imitation. As we analyze the similar character of their works, we have a new view to prove the particularity of “Du Fu’s Poems and Han Yu’s Essays”.