The establishment of Kingdom of Qin was based on the enfeoffment, which constrained the evolution of the political system of the Qin Dynasty. The constraint was manifested by the fact that ennoblement system of Kingdom of Qin made by Shang Yang did not break through the basic political framework of “the Son of Heaventhe feudal king”. As the Lord Qinhuiwen, one governor of Kingdom of Qin adopted the title of “King”, Kingdom of Qin began to follow the examples of the Sons of Heaven in the Zhou Dynasty and conferred the title of Jun(君,Lord) or Hou(侯,Marquis) on governors’ clan members, relativesinlaw, outstanding courtiers. With the development of Qin’s monarchical centralization, these three political forces rose in succession, and respectively had positive effects on monarchical centralization in their initial phases. A few cases could even be viewed as an exploration of Qin’s unification.Emperor Qinshihuang divided the title of Hou (侯,Marquis) into two grades, and the enfeoffment existed nominally. After the unification, he firmly abandoned the enfeoffment, which should be related to his consistent idea of weakening the enfeoffment.