The struggles between the old and new parties was a major political event in the Northern Song Dynasty. There are many novels describing the event,reorganizing the category of 55 parts of novels of the struggles between the old and new parties. First,the author belongs to the old party and firmly opposes political reform.Second,the author has a relationship to old party members.Third,the author has a relationship to new party members.The author records events,describes the struggles between the old and new parties and clarifies their own point of view.This brings novels to become a mirror describing the struggles between the old and new parties.The purpose of novels includes supplementing the deficiency of history,describing the struggles between the old and new parties and about the controversy of political reform,the old party for people with disapproval,the conflict between the old and the new,the old party members personal attacks on the new party members and the old party accusation against Wang Anshi.Most novels appeared in the Southern Song Dynasty,the aim of these novels was to attack new party members.The writing technique of the novel mainly distorted the facts,fabricated stories and extended the action of the novel.