The key reason for China’s neverbroken continuous existence is that Chinese civilization complies with the ontological methodology of becoming rather than that of being. China with becoming methodology neither adheres to its identity by demarcation nor rejects change in its nature. As a result, it has changed the involved others to be compatible while been changed by the others to be new, so that China has been becoming resilient and robust. The Chinese ontological way of “being in becoming” has foretold the fortune of China as a never deconstructed and enduring existence from its very beginning, therefore China has been being with active transformations as well as imposed changes, continuously becoming with ups and downs, gains and losses. So the essentiality of China must be understood as a methodology rather than a conceptual identity. Even though the picture of Chinese has been greatly westernized today, Chinese methodology of becoming, or the China as a methodology, always remains as it is. In other words, everything of China could be changed except its ontological way of being in becoming, and all changes of China would be thus made to be of Chineseness.