The “separate burial of funerary objects” discussed in this paper refers to the case in which the funerary objects of one persons were buried separately in a few tombs. This phenomenon was by no means rare in the tombs of the West Zhou Dynasty, especially in the cemetery of the kingdom of Zeng in Yejiashan. The complex “separate burial of funerary objects” may associate a set of tombs together, providing precious clues for determining the date of the tombs, the identities of the tomb owners and the relationships between different tombs. This paper attempts to comb out the division of bronze ritual vessels based on Jian the Marquis Zeng’s group of funerary objects. A different conclusion comes that the owner of M28 should be Jian the Marquis Zeng, and that the dates of the tombs should be lined from south to north, lying successively M111 and M27,M28 and M2 couples buried, and M65 and M3 seeming couples buried.